Your Cup of Tea Fitness: You Are Already Enough

US Army 1st Lieutenant and professional Track & Field Runner, Sam Chelanga and his Military Spouse, Marybeth Chelanga, have teamed up to create a fitness program accessible to just about anyone who wants to pursue fulfilling fitness. They have created with the sole aim to bring uplifting and encouragement to everyone that they can. Sam and Marybeth believe that ultimate fitness is found not by focusing on the peak, but the climb. They have given us a sneak peak into their Cup of Tea FITNESS program and shared 5 steps to fulfilling fitness:

1: Know and believe confidently that you are already enough right here and right now!

So often we find ourselves wrapped up in the thought that we need to be something or get somewhere in order to achieve certain levels of fulfillment. The truth is that once we are able to find joy and satisfaction in the present, it is then that we will be propelled to greater and stronger heights.

2. Leave the GPS watch and pace trackers at home.

Try to remember what it was like before all of the technology and sophistication of fitness. The pursuit of fitness and working out can be so uplifting and fulfilling if we are able to get back to the root of it all. Hiding behind all of the mileage, paces, races and comparisons, is just you and your opportunity to pursue your best self. When we are able to quiet down all the noise and focus on that, we find that there is fulfillment in the freedom of fitness.

3. Focus on your effort level.

Everyone is different, with different abilities, capabilities, preferences, lifestyles and journeys that they go through each day. The best way to pursue fulfilling fitness is to focus on your individual effort level. Each day often looks different, therefore so too will your workouts. Once we are able to understand that each workout is its own part of the journey and climb, that is when we can walk away feeling confident, happy and fulfilled every time!

4. Remind yourself of the truth.

There is so much negativity floating around and the temptation to believe negative thoughts about yourself is hard to ignore at times! It is easier to ignore the negative and focus on the positive when the positive far outweighs it! Flood your day with positive truths! If we are constantly proud of ourself for getting out there for a workout, no matter how it looks like, and constantly happy that we are striving to be our best selves, than we will constantly feel fulfilled.

5. Remember that fulfilling fitness works from the inside out.

We often think that the secret to becoming the fittest we can be is achieved through the physical efforts we output. The secret is that it actually works the other way around. It is from the inside that lays the motivation and drive to climb higher! You will see that the more fulfilled you are in each moment, the faster you will become stronger. That strength refers not only to the physical, but to your whole self as well!

Marybeth Chelanga:
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