After you took my brother, you didn’t stop. You continued your carnage with other innocent people, not only ruining their lives but also ruining the lives of those around them. Why are you doing this? Why do you continue to ruin people’s lives? What would it take for you to disappear from this world and leave people alone?
During my brother’s funeral, I made a promise to myself that I would never stand down to you again. That I would work hard to keep you away from my family and from my children, because to be honest with you, you are the worst thing that could ever happen to an individual-to a family. But, for some weird reason, people, especially young people, still feel attracted by you. I honestly don’t know what they see in you, but all I know is that you are the worst thing that has ever happened to us, and I am pretty sure that all the families who have experienced your false love could attest to that. I am going to be honest with you… I can’t wait for the day you are no longer relevant and replaced by a better future for our nation.
In this past election, good people were elected. People who hate you as much as I hate you and I am sure that, with their help, we will finally disarm you and extinguish you from our lives for good. You came uninvited, and you are trying to make yourself at home. But, guess what? No, this is not your home, so get the hell out and, again, never come back. We, all the parents who want the best for our children, are joining forces to keep you away from them, from us, and we will do anything in our power to protect our children from you, so don’t to get any funny ideas. Your time is up. YOUR. TIME. IS. UP.
Anyway, I am done. I don’t feel like spending more time on you. But, there is one thing that I want you to tell you before I go. Stay away from our children – from my children. Your time is up and, so is our patience with you. You need to just go away and never come back. Get the hell away from us and go to where you came from. You are no longer welcome into our lives – into our nation.
Regards (Not Really),
A Pissed Sister and an Overprotective Mother