18. Ask your service member to send you a Homecoming bucket list. Have the kids decorate a poster board with the items on the list and pictures. Then you can all check them off as a family in the weeks/months following their return.
19. We hung huge banners on our front porch for when we first drove up and they were truly home.
20. Breakfast in bed that first morning home is always a nice touch.
21. I made this sign because I lost over 75 lbs while he was gone.
22. Buy new toiletries and underwear for your service member to have when they get home.
23. List how many days you’ve missed him/her on a banner or sign.
24. Make it high tech – add light up stars or battery powered string lights.
25. The day before they arrive home throw some of their favorite clothes in the wash. Even though they may be clean and in the drawers or closet… there is something very homey about freshly laundered clothes.
26. What I wrote on the car for our last homecoming: “The Corps had you for 7 months… but tonight you’re mine!”