8. I have to ‘adult’… even when I miss my spouse.
You sleep by your phone, so you can get close to your laptop so you can Skype.
You don’t want to miss it, because you don’t know when you’ll talk to them again. Then? Insert zombie mode.
There is a reason you want to wear sweat pants and not shave for a week or stay at home because your eye twitches at the thought of mascara. It’s completely normal and we all do it.
Thoughts of, “I should go grocery shopping”, do pop into your mind and some days you look out your window and call out for pizza.
Shoot, I don’t start working out until the last 45 days before he gets home to get off the deployment weight. I mean, who do I have to impress anyways?
The love of my life is gone at the moment, free pass!
9. Put down the laptop/phone when they get home
May sound easy, right? Just as much as sleeping patterns need to get back to normal, so do the habits you have acquired over the year.
I am a work-alcoholic, always have been and always will be, because I run my own company. But I have had to learn to dedicate time to him when he gets home.
Things can wait, as I repeat that over and over in my mind.
With all the time zones that I work in, deployment actually worked for me this time, but when he’s home, it doesn’t. Create new traditions each time they come home and don’t get frustrated when old habits have changed.
Everyone grows- work hard to grow together and embrace new quirky traits.
I hope some of these things will help you. I am always a work in progress, but I do know this- if I can do it, anyone can and I am as stubborn as they come!
Lastly, if you see a member of our community hurting or being bullied, just remember someone is ALWAYS going through something, so take a minute think before you judge.
And I encourage you to reach out and help, rather than hurt.
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