This is the final countdown…
7 Days…

Did I really buy that dress for homecoming!? No. No way! Not happening. I will not be THAT wife with my tatas falling out when I run up to him. Nope. But then, he loves those tatas and who am I trying to impress? Him or everyone in the hanger? Do I have time to get to the mall tonight? I do have the shoes already. I don’t NEED another dress. I could just wear a cami under it. What am I thinking!? Layering in this humidity. No way! Off to the mall I go…
An hour later…
Oh, screw it. I’m proud of my tatas and who cares if someone says I’m looking busty. My husband hasn’t seen them in a year! Besides, I cannot try on one more freaking dress. If I do, I might just decide to go naked!
6 Days…
Ah, the homecoming brief. A bunch of jittery spouses all in one room. All of us waiting to hear the time. Waiting to hear the gate to show up at. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. We are always waiting. Did they really give us coffee!? Oh, I better listen….

YES! We have a time! WOOHOO! Happy dance time. Yeah I shouldn’t dance in public again. But thank goodness! He’s really coming home! Oh my gosh I still have so much to do!
5 Days…
Thank you, Pinterest! Homecoming sign done! Now, how do I get this glitter off of me? I can’t believe he’s really coming home. 365 days. We did 365 days apart. I never thought we’d get here. Holidays, birthdays, college courses, car repairs, washing machine floods, family trips. All of it he missed. But he is going to be home soon! Good thing because that Honey-Do-List on the fridge really is getting to be too much for me to handle on my own.
4 Days…
Lingerie shopping time. God, where did this roll come from? Why didn’t I workout more while he was gone? I had 12 months to get toned up, to work on the body. Why didn’t I do it? What if he hates what he sees? I’ve seen all the progress he made over there. I still look like I’m one step away from having to wear leggings every day because nothing else fits.
And oh God, what if we don’t have sex? What if he wants sex right away? What if we can’t find that spark again? Do I even remember how this works!? I mean, ok, insert Tab A into Slot B and repeat. But we use to be great at this. Are we still going to be great at this?