3 Days…
Time to clean. Top to bottom. Dust every surface. Why on Earth is there so much dust on the door? Who decided that slatted doors were a good idea for the laundry room? Didn’t they realize it catches all the dryer lint? I could make a sweater out of this lint!
I know I had sheets. New sheets. What the heck happened to them? Oh…they are in the laundry making the lint covering the door that won’t come off. But if I put them on now then they won’t be clean for homecoming. And what is that smell!? I swear I’ve bleached, Fabreezed, and Cloroxed the whole freaking house. How can there be a smell!?
2 Days…
What if he’s not the same? The brief the other night talked about how they change when they are gone. Well, I changed too. What if we aren’t ok? What if he has the nightmares they talked about? If he can’t function like he used to in crowds or just even at church? I remember what it was like when I got off the boat. I couldn’t even grocery shop. And I didn’t have anyone waiting for me. He’ll be ok right? His deployment wasn’t like mine right? We both changed, but we emailed. He would have told me if something was wrong. If he was worried about coming home. God, what do I do if it’s not all ok?
1 Day…

Ok. Time to breathe. He will be here tomorrow. It’s going to happen. Now it’s time to breathe. Maybe I should paint my nails. Oh screw that someone else can paint them. I need a break before I lose my mind. An hour at the salon. I can do that. But I better do those last dishes first. I’ll be so mad if I pay all that money to do my nails and chip them cleaning the freaking crock pot! And I should really get a bottle of wine. And charge the cell phone. And call the best friend. And drink the wine. It’s just one more day.
And it’s time!
Dress fits. Undies are good. Shoes don’t hurt. Time to go. Of course there is no parking. These shoes are not meant for walking through a grass lot. Ok my dress is fine. Sure, a bit short but wow hers is painted on. I wish I had that body.
CRAP! I forgot the sign. Oh, like he’s even going to notice.
Whew…found someone to take pictures for me. Maybe we will get one good one.
Oh my gosh! Is that the plane? It is! It’s the plane! They are really here! Could they move any slower getting them off? I want my husband back! AH! They are getting off! Where is he? Where is he? He did come home right?
THERE HE IS! Oh screw lady-like, I’m getting my man!
Read Next: Spouse Confessions: I’m Afraid of Reintegration