Opposition, though often talked about in circles that have experienced tribulation, is not entirely a bad thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the phrase “It’s too hard,” in multiple settings and scenarios.
Since when were great things reaped with ease?
We know about hard times and we repeatedly do hard things.
The act of documenting deployment serves as a defining staple in our own histories as well as American History. My father is a lover of old WWII movies and books. He watches and reads anything that can further help him understand the trials and triumphs of that era.
In a few decades WE will be history.
Our ability to document our experiences will teach future generations about this era. We’ve experienced major changes, tragedies and triumphs in our lifetime. Our life stories are going to be filed away in history alongside our predecessors.
We can show them love, sacrifice, heartache and the ability to overcome by documenting not only our happiest moments, but also our most vulnerable times.
Photographs from farewells remind us during the immediate future, while our loved ones are still absent, that we have a great reason to press forward.
These token mementos remind us in the distant future that we have the ability to overcome even in hardship.