Founder of Charliemadison Originals shares her advice on entrepreneurship and working from home.

Wendy Hively is a veteran military spouse, the mom of two grown daughters, and a full-time scientist who works for the FDA in regulatory compliance. Previously, she worked for the Air Force in environmental engineering and as a cancer researcher for the National Institutes of Health. As my youngest daughter likes to say of strong women, Wendy is a bit of a “baddie.” So naturally, it would make sense that she’d also start another business on the side! After Wendy’s husband Brian retired from the Navy, she founded her jewelry company, Charliemadison Originals, named for her two daughters, Charlotte and Madison. Wendy incorporates her love for jewelry making and the military, while honoring the three generations of service members in her family. The mantra of Charliemadison is EVERYDAY REMINDERS THAT EVERY DAY MATTERS®.
Wendy sat down recently with MSM to discuss her journey, along with some advice for milspouse entrepreneurs and those working from home.
MSM: Do you have any favorites in the jewelry you create?
Wendy: They can’t all be your favorites, right? I know they’re not like your kids, where they’re all your favorite. The ones that celebrate life as a military spouse are the most meaningful to me. For me, it’s not just about the jewelry. You can buy jewelry anywhere. Each piece, no matter which one you choose, has a special message that goes along with it, to help inspire you, to keep you going, to remind you what’s most important.

MSM: What’s the story behind the special knot on each bracelet?
Wendy: The knot is first, a nod to our family’s Navy roots; second, since it’s tied, it reminds you of the ties that bind you to your friends and family, whether near or far; and third, it’s meant to keep you grounded in the present moment. We all get so lost in military life in the craziness of PCS moves, deployments, all of it. It’s a reminder that between all the big moments, those small moments are where life happens.”
MSM: What lessons have you learned while running your own business?
Wendy: I’m such a proponent of entrepreneurs because I lost my job during a PCS to Japan, and then coming back again. Entrepreneurship is such a great choice because you can take it with you wherever you go. But everything seems hard when you’re first starting out, because most likely you’re doing it all yourself and don’t have a huge infusion of capital. But you have to learn as you grow to pass some things along, whether it’s hiring someone or contracting something out. The best part I’ve found is that the military spouse entrepreneur community has given me some of my best friends and supporters. You’ll find a lot there if you just ask. And being organized is so important. I saw this quote once, and I saved it: You will never always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined. I think that is so important when you’re trying to do more than one thing. You must focus on doing one thing really well at a time, then move on to something else.
MSM: It can be difficult to take breaks when you’re working from home and the work is always there. Do you have any tips?
Wendy: My full time job is completely work from home, and my Charliemadison studio is also here, on another floor of my house. This was a really hard lesson for me to learn, because I was so burnt out from working all the time. I think COVID gave us all a chance to reevaluate our lives on some level. I made a conscious decision not to work on most weekends. I also close my laptop when it’s time for dinner, and don’t open it until the next day. You have to have that time for you and your family.
Wendy’s final words of wisdom for milspouse business owners and entrepreneurs?
“Honestly, if I can do it, you can do it, too. I don’t have access to anything that you don’t. You just have to keep at it. It’s just who can keep at it the longest. There’s nothing magical about it!”
Connect with Charliemadison Originals at The company donates 5% of its sales each year to organizations that support military members and their families!