The Solidarity, Love, and Loss Behind the Sacred Golden Star

Five sharp points bring together a golden symbol of honor.

A sacred star that is formed of solidarity, love, and loss. An emblem placed upon a field of purple, marking the recognition of our nation’s greatest sacrifice. It was once sewn and worn upon a black armband but is now pinned upon the flowing white cloth of a mother’s blouse. Imprinting a woman that stands crippled in heartache, with a face that is often numb. Unable to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions that haunt her daily. Emotions that are always encompassed by an overwhelming sense of pride.

Her goal in this life was always for her children to have a solid foundation of hope. Learning from the word of God and becoming a successful member of society. As her youngest crossed the bridge into manhood, tears slid down her face as she knew he was on his own. As he marched across the graduation field after completing the grueling path of training, she swelled with pride. This was not her first child to join the military, a few short years before she had watched her oldest travel this same journey. She had become a seasoned military mother who knew deploying was inevitable. Sending him off provoked that unavoidable fear that always lingered. Months went by of writing letters of love with reminders to read his bible and call when he could. Never expecting this routine that they had made to fade into just a memory.

It only took five seconds for her whole life to change. A knock on the door that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand tall. An instant crippling numbness that took over every part of her body. Seeing a man in uniform speaking but only hearing silence. She knew that baby she watched grow into an honorable man was gone. Her biggest fear in life had become a reality. He was supposed to grow old and have a family. Why did this happen? Questions that would never have an answer-filled her mind and would never really leave. Her son had made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. A sacrifice that no one could ever truly understand. A flag-draped coffin surrounded by so many loved ones and she still felt the pain in every bit of bones. Shattering her very being and leaving her with immense grief.

She had become a Gold Star Mother. Given a sacred golden star that is formed of solidarity, love, and loss. An emblem placed upon a field of purple, marking the recognition of our nation’s greatest sacrifice. She is a mother that has endured the sacrifice of her child dying in combat. Forever imprinted with a golden star that unites a group of women that have been faced with something every military family fears. All with a new goal in life, to keep their service member’s memory alive.

Amanda Pitman:
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