How I Learned to Love Audiobooks

Until recently, I absolutely hated Audiobooks. I had tried listening to a few over the years, but I would usually get distracted or not be able to hear them over my kids talking and need to replay parts I missed. If I tried to listen at night, I would always fall asleep. What was the point in listening to a book if I didn’t actually hear the book? I just did not understand the love. I am happy to say that with these few tips from fellow readers in my book club, I have officially fallen for audiobooks. 

1. Try Different Books and Narrators

    The first few audiobooks I borrowed were nonfiction, resource type books. The kind of book I wanted to have read but didn’t actually want to read. It should have been obvious that if I wasn’t excited about reading the book, I wouldn’t be excited about listening to it either. I finished them out of pure stubbornness. Trying books from different genres, and even different narrators has made a big difference. You can do this for free through apps like Libby and Hoopla – all you need to access digital borrowing is a library card. 

    2. Noise Canceling Headphones

      This had a major impact on my audiobook experience. I have two small children. My house is loud. I wanted to enjoy the book, not spend thirty minutes replaying the same part five times. A good pair of over-the-ear, noise canceling headphones have made all the difference. Now I can tune out the world and get lost in the story. 

      3. Adjust the Speed

        Let’s face it. Some narrators speak at a snail’s pace. I am so distracted by how slow they are speaking that I don’t actually hear what they are saying. Adjusting the playback speed solves this problem, and you can change the speed whenever you want. While I prefer to start an audiobook at a slower pace, by the end, I usually have it set at double speed. This honestly mimics how I read a physical book as well. I want to know the conclusion so I speed read to the finish.

        4. Move Around

        I love curling up on the couch with a blanket and a good book. But curling up on the couch with a blanket and an audiobook is a recipe for disaster. I either get restless or fall asleep. There is no in between. I have discovered that doing something while I listen makes a big difference. Sometimes that means doing the dishes or folding laundry, and other times I color or play a game on my phone. As long as my hands are busy, my brain can pay attention. 

        5. Use a Sleep Timer

        Sometimes I like to read before bed, but when I would listen to an audiobook before bed, it would keep playing and I had no idea when I fell asleep. Thankfully most apps have an integrated sleep timer that will turn off your story if you doze off. This helps narrow down the last section I heard and minimizes the time I spend replaying. 

        Learning how to love audiobooks took trial and error, but it was worth the effort. I now understand the hype. The only thing left is to decide which book is next.

        Teri Bevill: Teri Bevill is a military spouse of ten years and mom of two spirited daughters. She is currently training to be a military missionary with MilSpo Co. where she volunteers as an executive assistant and content creator. She is passionate about encouraging others and creating communities where military spouses find belonging. Teri was awarded the 2023 Armed Forces Insurance Keesler AFB Spouse of the Year for her leadership efforts. In her free time, Teri enjoys drinking too much coffee and attempting to bake the perfect loaf of sourdough. For more information on Teri, connect with her on social @teribevill.
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