Don’t be ignorant, do your research, don’t take one person’s opinions as truth.
I vote. Why? Because I want to see change for the better, I do not vote for the color of one’s skin, I do not vote for the underdog because he is losing. I VOTE for what I believe in, I vote for the person who I think will have the great good impact on the nation I love.
Why not form an opinion yourself and not that of someone who is trying to influence you to their side? Why not take your life in your own hands and form an opinion on your own. How about you make the decision not to be a deadbeat and think that the world owes you something because of the color of your skin, sexual orientation, or something that happened so long ago that you were not even born yet?
Have we forgotten that we are ALL HUMAN?
Since when did America OWE you anything? Unless you have fought for this country, then I do not owe you a DIME.
To all those criminals out there, if you break the law, you go your butt to jail. Plain and simple. Why do I have to pay for you to have the right to TV, Internet, hot meals etc. when you broke the law. Want freedom? Don’t break the law.
To all those who think you can pop out 100 kids and never have to work a day in your life? That is MY money that supports you, money to feed MY children, I do not feel sorry for you. Get off your butt and get a job to support yourself. There are plenty of decent people in the world that live below the poverty line and cannot get the benefits you have because you are sucking the program dry! Some of my best friends are working so hard and still live paycheck to paycheck.