My friends are there when I am having a mental breakdown, check me when I am trippin’, force me to examine if I am a problem, cheer for me when I win and catch me when I take a loss. They know my darkest and brightest secrets and even if we fall out or never speak (which won’t happen, by the way). I can say with a 100 percent certainty that my secrets won’t be told to anyone out of spite. We plan trips as families, we have girls trips, we help each other with our goals, WE ARE FAMILY. I can’t say that about a tribe. What I have noticed about most tribes is that there is one type of person in each one and that the people in it interchange often.
I prefer those friendships that survive moving from duty station to duty station. Those that aren’t JUST mil-spouse friends. I am so incredibly blessed to have the friends I do. I met each of them at the exact time I was meant to and they have been a staple in my life ever since.
So no, I do not have a tribe. And I surely don’t have a lot of friends. I have a small circle of amazing, crazy friendships that I wouldn’t and couldn’t in the world trade for anything. Not even Beyonce’s entire friendship squad and a gallon of red velvet ice cream.