Love is in the Air…and it Smells Like Coffee

By CAPT Scott C. Gibney, US Navy (Ret.), Co-owner Gibney College Solutions LLC

See this and more inside the Aug/Sept issue of Military Spouse Magazine!

It’s not just a cup of joe anymore! About 400 million cups of coffee are consumed daily in the United States…and the number continues to increase. About 64% of Americans drink coffee daily. 

Coffee is more than a drink…it provides a way for people to come together at work, to meet a friend after dropping kids off at school, or a great way to network. The traditional cup of java now includes espresso drinks, macchiatos, lattes, cappuccinos, mocha, and even Irish! It’s more of a lifestyle than just a drink…

There is even a day to celebrate the omnipresent cup of coffee. The U.S. and Canada will recognize National Coffee Day on Sept. 29. International Coffee Day occurs a couple of days later on Oct. 1. You know something is popular when you have an international holiday for it.

So, what makes coffee drinking so popular? 

The Aroma. Waking up to a freshly brewed pot of coffee signals the start to a new day. The anticipation of that first steaming cup helps many of us get out of bed to begin the day’s events.

The Taste. Taking that first sip provides a relaxing feeling that millions can’t do without — especially on those tough Monday mornings.

The Energy Boost is a popular reason why coffee is served by the millions each day. Your first jolt of caffeine gets your brain activity going and a coffee break gives you that added burst to make it through the day.

Coffee is Social. “Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?” is a common question when asking someone to meet. Coffee is not pretentious…grabbing a cup of coffee is a casual way to begin a personal or business relationship.

And Drinking Coffee can be Healthy. Studies show it provides antioxidants that fight inflammation, boosts brain activity, and short-term memory. Moderate coffee consumption may lower the risk of heart disease. All good reasons to reach for a cup.

For me, coffee is a relatively new addiction. Although I spent 30 years in the Navy, I only started drinking coffee after my retirement. Today, I can’t live without it. I start the day by filling up a cup and taking the short walk down to the harbor. Watching the waterfront come to life, I sip my coffee, enjoy the peaceful surroundings, and ease into the day. 

Why do you drink coffee? Whatever the reason might be, have a cup and enjoy!

Author Bio: Captain Scott Gibney, USN (Ret.) is a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and a 30-year U.S. Navy veteran. He and his wife, Susan, own Gibney College Solutions LLC ( a company focused on college planning, career development and financial coaching. Scott can be reached at

Scott Gibney:
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