Meet Mission Milspouse

Mission Milspouse, formerly Army Wife Network, is undergoing a full rebrand. This exciting announcement comes hot on the heels of a graduation, a doctoral degree, and a renewed sense of purpose for Dr. Sharita Knobloch- the organization’s Executive Director. 

Mission Milspouse seeks to expand its organizational reach by redefining who they wanted to serve, employing more inclusive language, and building an inviting network for all military spouses to feel seen, wanted, and loved. Formerly Army Wife Network- a project joining Army Wife Talk Radio and Loving a Soldier blog, the rebrand encourages all branches, spouse demographics, and military connected communities to be part of the conversation. 

Mission Milspouse originally began as Army Wife Network in 2009 when it joined in partnership with Army Wife Talk Radio (est. 2005), Field Problems, and Loving a Soldier Blog. 

Launched as a 501c3 this year, Mission Milspouse exists to globally empower military spouses with resources and to support them to conquer adversity, foster confidence, and thrive in military life. By creating comprehensive content and producing a power packed podcast, Mission Milspouse seeks to reach the military community with the information and resources they need to navigate the chaos of military life. 

The website,, offers a plethora of amazing content geared specifically for military community life. With resources, blogs, and podcast access, visitors can count on finding the information they need to be encouraged and equipped to thrive. 

For the last 18 years, what is now Mission Milspouse, this organization has been a beacon of hope, humor, and honest conversation. Podcasting for nearly two decades, with over 1.9 million downloads, and nearly 3,000 published blog articles, Mission Milspouse isn’t going anywhere. 

Want to learn more? Visit for more information, resources, and content. The website is jam packed with insight, downloads, and helpful articles. To get involved through volunteering or giving, check out their volunteer opportunities or donation page.   


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Megan Brown: Megan B. Brown is a seasoned military spouse, mother of four, and military missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of MilSpo Co.- a military nonprofit focused on the intentional discipleship of today's military community. Throughout Megan's journey as a military missionary, her ministry has been recognized with the Air Force Lifetime Volunteer Excellence Award and has earned her the 2016 Armed Forces Insurance Keesler Air Force Base Military Spouse of the Year Award. Her mission is to recruit, raise up, and release military connected women to live on mission for Jesus. Her books, "Summoned" and "Know What You Signed Up For" have been released by Moody Publishers in Chicago. She lives in south Mississippi with her husband, MSgt Keith Brown, and their four energetic kiddos. To learn more or connect with Megan, visit
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