Happy Birthday, Navy!

Born on October 13, 1775, the Navy is steeped in more than 225 years of tradition.

Each Sailor is familiar with the Sailor’s creed, a mantra that best represents the branch’s core values:

“I am a United States Sailor. I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and I will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world. I proudly serve my country’s Navy combat team with Honor, Courage and Commitment. I am committed to excellence and the fair treatment of all.”

Although ships, equipment, and technology have evolved throughout the years, the honor, courage and commitment required of Sailors remains the same. The multidimensional force conducts missions on land, sea and in air.

Six future presidents came from the Navy’s service during World War II: John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.

In modern times, one of the most well-known Navy missions is that of SEAL Team 6 killing Osama bin Laden in a daring mission in May 2011.

In honor of the Navy’s birthday, check out when some of these proud spouses have been doing!

Holli Davis Recobs, 2017 NS Mayport Spouse of the Year – 

This year so far I’ve reached milestones in my career by changing brokerages and making relationships with two of the largest VA lenders in the area, which was a large goal of mine to help expand my career. I also got to host and volunteer for two no-dough dinners. I love giving back to the USO since I have had my fair share of meals with them. I traveled to Greece (first time in Greece) and loved it! I met my husband over there and spent a few days with him hiking up mountains and trying local food. I’m now patiently awaiting the return of my husband from our second deployment. Woot woot!

Ashley Camac, 2017 NBPL Spouse of the Year-

I am working very hard in the military community. My full-time job is the Director of USO San Diego’s Downtown Center. My volunteerism is very strong as this year I’m the President of the San Diego Chief Petty Officer Spouse Association offering the Annual Chief Selectee Spouse Symposium. I stepped up to be the chair of the San Diego Military Family Collaborative Annual Conference as this helps us come together to learn more about the gaps in services for military families and help get these services needed off the ground, and I remain an Ombudsman at my husband’s command. I teach fitness classes at a local YMCA weekly, I am a proud mom of a now freshman in college and sophomore in high school, and I have been working hard at finishing my Master’s Degree in Strategic Organizational Leadership.

Tammy Meyer, 2014 AFI Navy Spouse of the Year –

Greetings fellow military spouses near and far, active and reserve, retired and guard! I’m always staying busy as the biggest fan and No. 1 supporter of my Navy Seabee! In addition, I was thrilled to be a contributor with other fabulous folks to the book “Behind the Scenes: The Tales of Military Spouses Making a Difference.” This legacy project is all about highlighting the amazing things so many are doing to make a difference in our communities. I continue my work as a Life & Career Coach serving women who are finding their way as they pursue their personal best. I also get to work out and ‘namasté’ with like-minded fitness friends as their fitness/yoga instructor. I am also advocating and educating women about the importance of safer personal care products through Beautycounter. It’s not a beauty company, folks; it’s a movement working to change legislation. It’s not OK to highlight a problem without providing a solution so they have safer, high performing products we can have peace of mind with (kids and babies included). I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy a few months ago, who arrived a few months early. Nine days in the hospital for me and a month in the NICU for him and we are both doing wonderfully…but as new parents, well, we’re still navigating the great unknowns of newborn land feeling equal parts tired and blessed. Connect with me through my website beautycounter.com/tammymeyer and have a great Navy Day! Hoorah Seabee Spouses!

Kristen Faires, 2017 Kings Bay Spouse of the Year – 

After losing our oldest son and PCSing two months later, we are finding our bearings again. I have just started working with Military Community Connection with their new pilot program in the local prisons helping veterans transition from the prison system to a fulfilling life and helping them get the assistance they need for job training and registering for their VA benefits, etc.

Joy Goodrich, 2017 AFI Navy Spouse of the Year – 

This year has been absolutely amazing, with being named the 2017 Armed Forces Insurance Navy Spouse of the Year, and getting to meet so many military and Navy spouses from around the world. Since being back from that event in May, I went full swing into our local military spouse programming taking over as the president of the Military Spouses of Newport. Since then we have put on our big Annual Welcome Event; renovated our local store, the Ship’s Bell; published the latest version of our resource booklet, the Pink Book; and organizing multiple community events for military spouses and their families throughout our area.

Work has really taken off as well. My team and I were able to complete a 10-week summer camp filled with 12 field trips, a Missoula Theatre Camp, and successfully transition into the school year where we currently provide services for three separate school districts. In this month I have the privilege of being able to attend the Boys and Girls Club of America Military Leadership Institute, where I will get to meet with and learn from some of the best leaders within the youth programming community.

With my service as an ombudsman, I have continued to serve my command and their families through indoctrination presentations, assembly meetings and being the go-to referral and resource. Being an ombudsman is highly rewarding, not in the sense of providing recognition, but because I get to give back to this big Navy family that I have both grown up in and married into. I am grateful that the Navy has brought about programs like the Ombudsman Program and Family Readiness Groups because it has allowed for so many spouses and families to have that peace of mind or comfort to know they are not alone in their journey. And there are people that truly care about ensuring their individual journey is positive.

Last but certainly not least, this month my husband and I will be celebrating another year of marriage. We have been so grateful for the journey we have made with the Navy and are also very excited to start the PCS process this year for our next journey. GO NAVY!

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