10 Ways to Date Your Spouse and Keep Your Military Marriage Alive

Falling in love happens in the blink of an eye, but having a strong marriage takes consistency and a whole lot of hard work. It is so easy to get caught up in the hectic chaos of life. Having children, school, or a full-time job keeps your mind focused on what is happening within the moment. Leaving you to forget the most important thing that holds your family together, each other. Adding in the stress and constant time away that comes with living the military lifestyle can make marriage even harder. The struggle is not finding the time, but instead realizing you should be making each other a priority. There is no better way to keep your marriage alive than to continuing to date each other. Bringing you both back to the time before you were married, allowing you to remember why you fell in love.  

Being together does not always mean going out and spending money on dinner and a movie. Dating should not be difficult, and there are endless ways to get in some quality time together. Here is a list of several ideas that you can incorporate in your weekly routine. Do not forget to put your phone away.

1: Cook dinner together. Feed your children dinner early and get them settled in with a movie. Allowing you to spend quality time working on a meal for two together.

2. Have your own beer or wine tasting night. Most alcohol stores offer a sample beer pack option. This allows you to try multiple types without having to buy whole cases.

3. Paint and Wine at home. Grab a bottle of wine, some canvas, paints, and find Bob Ross on YouTube.

4. Read the Bible together.

5. Game Night. Who does not love a little competition?

6. YouTube Dance Lessons

7. Picnic lunch date in the car. Meeting up for lunch during the workweek can give you both a chance to catch up even if it just for a few minutes.  

8. Go for a day drive. Driving with no place to go while reminiscing can be good for the soul.

9. Get a hammock. Make it your evening to meet up outside after the kids are in bed. There is no better way than ending the day under the stars in your spouse’s arms.

10. Discover each other’s Love Language. A fantastic program promoted by military chaplains. Find out how to show your partner love. 

Amanda Pitman:
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