There is World Marriage Day, National Spouses Day, and even Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Still, there has never been a day to recognize the particular relationship that is a military marriage. Bree Carroll, the 2020-2021 Armed Forces Insurance Air Force Spouse of the Year, is looking to highlight those relationships on August 14th, Military Marriage Day, a holiday getting national attention through state proclamations.

Bree shares, “I got to thinking and had this crazy idea that if we could have like a National Taco Day, and a National Crazy Sock day, why can’t we have a Military Marriage Day?”
Military Marriage Day is a day to celebrate all you go through in a relationship where the military is involved and leans into the strength and courage it takes to face those unique challenges and keep taking the next right step together as a couple.
This year Bree encourages couples to “slow down and get intentional about their relationship. Ask, ‘How are we doing? Let’s check-in.’ By doing so, you can build sustainable, healthy, strong relationships, regardless of where that starting point is.”

If you want to get more involved, Bree is looking for state ambassadors to submit proclamations for Military Marriage Day to become a state holiday. You can also host an installation celebration, reach out to your wing or commander, and request a base-wide proclamation. You can do a date night event or coordinate with your friends. If you want to celebrate virtually, check out Military Marriage Day on Facebook. There is a week-long countdown with lives, giveaways, encouragement, and speakers to help you flourish in your marriage.
Want to go deeper? Military Marriage Day is hosting a two-day summit for couples to pause and ask themselves where they are going in their marriage and what they would like to cultivate. This summit is for real talk about intimacy, commitment, connection, and communication, and taking your marriage to the next level.

Bree’s top two tips for keeping your marriage thriving are communicating and having fun when dating your spouse.
“I do not want to see people walking around with mediocre, less than exciting relationships. Marriage is not a business transaction. They should be your partner, someone you enjoy going on this crazy adventure of military life with.”
Celebrate Military Marriage Day on August 14th, and use the tag #MilitaryMarriageDay to share how you are building a solid marriage to last a lifetime.