Life in the military can feel like you are constantly transitioning. Adjusting to military life, moving around, powering through deployments, and eventually getting out of the military lifestyle are all very big transitions.
Tasks like job hunting, furthering your education, budget building, and understanding benefits are difficult for everyone, and with the complexities that being in the military brings these tasks are even more difficult.
The Military Spouse Transition Program through Military OneSource is designed to help you, as the spouse, navigate these transitions by equipping you with the resources you need to succeed in all areas of life. Their website provides information for spouses at the beginning, in the middle, and at the military life.
Stepping In
Stepping In, designed to help you transition into the military lifestyle, links you to other community members who are seeking support. It provides answers to common questions military spouses have, helps users find education and career options that accommodate the military lifestyle, and guides users towards local resources. The switch from civilian to military life can be quite the culture shock. These tools will help you better understand new dynamics and succeed within them!
Stepping Through
Stepping Through, designed to help you excel while living the military lifestyle, provides users with career coaching and resume builders, financial goal trackers, and insights on how to start planning for your life out of the military now. In addition to career coaches, Military OneSource gives you access to health and wellness coaches, mindfulness toolkits, planning trackers, and questionnaires that can help you find the education/career that you are looking for.
Stepping Out
Stepping Out, designed to help you transition out of the military, offers guidance on civilian careers, finances, and benefits once your spouse’s service time has ended. Stepping Out also answers common questions spouses have while transitioning out of the military.
The Military Spouse Transitioning Program realizes how difficult it is for spouses to maintain a normal life and truly does want you to rise above and beyond during all portions of your spouse’s military career. This website is a one stop outlet where you can get the help, support, and resources you need as a military spouse.