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I confess. I never do math in public. Not even easy math. I am a non-money person and I sometimes think I chose law as a career for the very purpose of avoiding numbers. It’s so common among my species that a Bar Exam test-writer once admitted to me that he commonly inserted meaningless numbers into his questions just to derail law students. Some people just don’t love it. Their brains aren’t wired for numbers. They’re scary, and it’s work. Hard work.
By “some people” I mean me. And chances are, if you’re reading this, I’m talking about you, too.
Because the consequences are so severe, most of us number-haters are responsible enough to do the bare minimum. But there’s a lot more to managing the family coffers than just paying the bills. I was married for nearly ten years the first time my husband explained, “You’re not managing our finances. You’re paying our bills. There’s a difference.” My husband was the one recognizing savings opportunities, tracking our budget, recommending when to pay debts, and investing. I was writing checks and hoping I’d eventually save money. But hope and finances just don’t go together.
For those of you who find yourself exactly where I was, I’m here to offer you hope because you too can overcome your fear of the “F” word! Here is the information you need to know to finally transform your fear into control and success.