How many squares can you check off??

Recently someone asked me what my least favorite duty station was. With 17 moves in 35 years, you would think the answer would be easy, but nothing came to mind.
Here is the truth: Each duty assignment has had really challenging parts and really amazing parts. Some were more challenging than others. I am sure we can all relate to that. But change is always right around the corner, allowing for opportunities you may have never imagined, so embrace change and look for the good! You will be amazed at how much better that makes the PCS experience for you and your loved ones. That mindset made a world of difference for me!
I have 13 squares checked off. How many do you have?
Mollie Raymond is married to Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, the first Chief of Space Operations, US Space Force. She has long been a champion for military spouses and families, working tirelessly to support them through promoting family engagements, building connections, and creating a sense of community.