12 Tips for PCSing with Kids

12 Tips for PCSing with Kids


It’s go time!  Another PSC, another major disruption in your child’s life.  We asked many experienced military moms for their best tips for moving with children in tow – before you move, on the road and when you arrive. Here are a few tried and true tips for your upcoming move.

  1. Talk, talk, talk. Change is hard for some children, especially for older children and those with special needs.  Involve them in process in looking for homes, locations and schools.  Talk about how and when things will proceed, try not to surprise them with unexpected twist and turns.  Give them a suitcase or bag that they can bring along the special things they need during the move.  Items like special pillows, blankets, toys, books or knickknacks in their room.  Let them chose and own part of the their move, too.
  2. Create a PCS binder for your children.  Gather pictures of their new house, maybe one of their new room, pictures and information about the city they are moving to, parks nearby, photos of the school and a travel map with route notated of their upcoming drive.  A PCS binder will allow your children to be a part of the process and get excited about their new location.
  3. Find similar activities for your children in the new location before you leave. Activities like sports, 4H club, church groups,, scouts, art, local recreation centers and dance classes.  Sign them up before you leave so when you arrive at your new location, they have a place to connect with other kids right away.  Don’t forget about the on base/post youth programs, too.
  4. Changing schools:  If you have school aged children then you know changingschools can be exceptionally hard on the family.  Be prepared.  Military Spouse Magazine recently published an article addressing the PCSing and schools (Parents PCS Checklist).   The article addresses how and when to contact the school, IEP’s, 504 Plans, and tips on how to be your child’s advocate at school.
  5. Goodbyes don’t have to be sad. Have a goodbye party for your children no matter the age.  Whether it’s bowling party, sleepover, swim party or just a day at the park – let your children say a happy and fun goodbye to their friends.  Give out pre stamped, self-addressed envelops with your new address to their friends so they can stay in touch.  Change the stigma of saying goodbye.
  6. Ask for help. Many military parents advise asking family or friends to help with children during the pack and load period.  Ask neighborhood friends or family for help.  It takes a village sometimes; so don’t be afraid to acknowledge your limits.  Have family or friends take them during the critical move days.  Moving becomes far less stressful when you and your spouse become a team and focus on move together.
  7. Stay positive. Your children are reflection of you.  If you stay positive and focused, so will your children.  They will take your lead and remember; they are watching how YOU transition. Recent study of military families revealed that the mother’s attitude towards military lifestyle directly affects their children.  Read a summary here.
  8. Treat your PCS travel like an adventure. Military Spouse recently published a piece about traveling of the holidays.  It has great tips and tricks while on the road. From   great travel apps, old school car games, behavior bags and great websites for your     trip. Six Ways to Stay Sane on Your Road Trip
  9. Find the right hotel along the way. Experienced military moms know that the right hotel can solve most of your travel woes.  Find hotels with an indoor pool and free breakfast – these are lifesavers.  They keep the kids active, happy and saves on the wallet, too.  Also, sign up your favorite hotel chain rewards program or honor cards and you’ll find yourself on the top floors with mild upgrades.
  10. It’s all about routines. Keeping sleep routines are important for children, especially during travel.  Their bodies don’t adjust well to abrupt changes and their attitude during travel will reflect that.  From naps to bedtime routines and times, keep them on schedule.
  11. Set up the children’s rooms as soon as possible. It’s a safe haven for them if they become overwhelmed or bored.   Familiar things have a calming affect.
  12. Start connecting. Don’t wait until the boxes are all unpacked to start exploring.  Take a tour of their new school, find the local hangouts, and explore your new city.  Getting connected is a large part of the settling in.  They sooner you help them connect with other kids, the sooner they will feel at home.
Stacy Huisman: Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman is an Air Force spouse, writer, mother and advocate within the military spouse community. As a former Parent-to-Parent trainer for Military Child Education Coalition, she led workshops and seminars on many topics related to the education of military-connected students. She is the coauthor with Dr. Amanda Trimillos of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers (Elva Resa, 2018). In her “other” life, she worked in public affairs and project management for the city of Las Vegas for 14 years. She was the Executive Director for the Las Vegas Centennial. She had a hand in baking the world largest birthday cake, hosting a 100,000 person parade, marrying 100 couples at once, organizing an amazing Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and managing 450 other events, programs and public relations celebrating her hometown birthday! She met her husband while he was stationed at Nellis AFB. She was whisked away on a crazy military spouse journey around the globe and hasn’t looked back since – only forward. Stacy is connected to many aspects of military life. She writes for one of our other Victory Media publications - GI Jobs Magazine - where she features successful transitioned Veterans in the workforce. She continues to write for myriad of websites and blogs, including a mini-think tank she co-founded called Families on the Home Front. Stacy was published in the popular book Stories Around the Table - Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life. She is also a judge for Operation Homefront's Military Child of the Year 2015.
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