I’m PMS’ing for My Upcoming PCS Move

I’m PMS’ing for my upcoming PCS Move

Four Easy Steps to cope with Transitional Anxiety

Okay, well, I know the title is a bit vulgar, but it fits.  We are moving, again, this summer and I can feel the stress building in my bones, swirling around in my head and uncertainty in my gut.

I’m in the “hurry up and wait” status.  There is a boatload of stress coming my way and there is nothing I can do to about it but watch it wash over me like a Tsunami.  To compound the pressure, this move might be a short notice overseas move, too.  We were just told a few weeks ago that my husband would be moving again… not that I just PCS’d here eight months ago.  I’m NOT ready to go.

PCSing means stress – no matter how many times you’ve been through it.  Sure, we’ll joke about it and call it an adventure for resilient spouses – that’s a nice PR catch phrase to me.  The truth is PCSing is an incredibly stressful time, taxing on your marriage, and disruptive to your children, not to mention wreaks havoc on your social and support network – nothing like a military spouse who is a serial friendship-dater. 

It starts with the run of the mill “It’s never final until you have Orders stress” – which, by the way, is total BS.  Even with Orders, things can change with just a phone call.  While stationed in Alabama, we once bought a house in Texas, the place Orders stated we were moving.  It was the Friday before the movers arrived on Monday and our Orders to Texas were cancelled. But wait, I have friend who was at the airport in Seattle on their way to Korea when their cell phone rings – their orders were cancelled 30 minutes before their flight.  Yeah, it happens more than you think.

Oh, not me again.  As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.” So, I’ll just keep waiting for the proverbial “SNAP, left turn, just kidding, detour, other shoe drops” moment to happen.

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Stacy Huisman: Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman is an Air Force spouse, writer, mother and advocate within the military spouse community. As a former Parent-to-Parent trainer for Military Child Education Coalition, she led workshops and seminars on many topics related to the education of military-connected students. She is the coauthor with Dr. Amanda Trimillos of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers (Elva Resa, 2018). In her “other” life, she worked in public affairs and project management for the city of Las Vegas for 14 years. She was the Executive Director for the Las Vegas Centennial. She had a hand in baking the world largest birthday cake, hosting a 100,000 person parade, marrying 100 couples at once, organizing an amazing Red Hot Chili Peppers concert and managing 450 other events, programs and public relations celebrating her hometown birthday! She met her husband while he was stationed at Nellis AFB. She was whisked away on a crazy military spouse journey around the globe and hasn’t looked back since – only forward. Stacy is connected to many aspects of military life. She writes for one of our other Victory Media publications - GI Jobs Magazine - where she features successful transitioned Veterans in the workforce. She continues to write for myriad of websites and blogs, including a mini-think tank she co-founded called Families on the Home Front. Stacy was published in the popular book Stories Around the Table - Laughter, Wisdom, and Strength in Military Life. She is also a judge for Operation Homefront's Military Child of the Year 2015.
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