5 Ways Being a Military Child Shaped How I Travel Now

See this and more inside the July issue of Military Spouse Magazine!

Where did you grow up? This is a complicated question for children from a military family. My answer: everywhere and nowhere.

 Because of this unique childhood I’ve always felt at home in the world and understood why I love to travel. Later in life, it dawned on me it also influenced how I travel. As the daughter of a Marine, and the wife of a soldier, I’ve been exposed to a lifestyle that carries with it a certain mindset and way of moving through the world. I’ve adopted a few of these valuable tools for myself and found they inspired a sense of confidence and self-reliance. Whether I’m miles away in a foreign country or just down the road, they are always there as a reference.

In addition to a sense of humor and infinite patience, these five lessons have served me well on my travels.

1) “Check Your Six”

Situational awareness. I can’t talk enough about this one. It’s first on the list because it’s so important, especially in this age of attention-detracting smartphones. In a crowd or on your own, it’s a simple concept worth practicing. Keep your eyes and ears open, pay attention to your surroundings, and trust your instincts if something feels amiss. 

2) Find the Courage

As someone who often travels solo, I get asked about fear all the time. It’s healthy to be afraid but more often than not, we imagine scenarios and dangers that will likely never happen. It helps to break the situation down into manageable pieces. Try to pinpoint exactly where the issue lies and look for ways to solve that particular problem. As the saying goes, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” 

3) Stay in Touch

Situation reports (aka sit-reps) are a vital means of communication in the military. By checking in occasionally to say what you’re doing or where you are, you’re ensuring an extra level of personal safety. Hiking alone in the desert can be exhilarating, but a quick message to let someone know your general direction is always a good idea. 

4) Be Prepared

Spontaneity is exciting, but preparation and organization leaves you with even more room to sit back and relax stress-free. At the simplest level, it could mean arriving at the airport with ample time or packing a complete carry-on for an unexpected delay. On the serious end of the scale (i.e. having emergency supplies or extra fuel in a remote area) it could be the difference between life and death.

5) Don’t Forget the Bennies

The scope of recreation-related benefits available to service members and their families has grown tremendously. Taking advantage of these free or discounted perks can make for interesting and cost-effective travel, like USO airport lounges, Space-A flights, or an Armed Forces Vacation Club membership.

Amy Conry Davis works as a writer, content creator, and photographer. She lives full-time in an Airstream and travels throughout the U.S. Her website is gypsypye.com.

Amy Davis: Amy Conry Davis works as a writer, content creator, and photographer. She lives full-time in an Airstream and travels throughout the U.S. Her website is www.gypsypye.com.
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