Navigating the Claims Process for Your Damaged Household Goods

You’ve packed up your household goods (HHG), watched as they were loaded onto a truck and driven away.

And then you unloaded your stuff and unpacked. If you’re on the fortunate side, this is where your moving process will end. But, if you’re like most military families, you’ve found a few things damaged or broken and will begin the task of filing your claim.

Where to Start?

Most people think that the claims process will begin after your items are delivered, but it can start before your move. Having your items inventoried and organized correctly during the pack out phase can help immensely on the other end. Before and during your pack out days is the most important time when it comes to getting through the claims process. Here’s what to know:

If any of your belongings can be deemed “priceless” or something that is not sold mainstream, you should spend the money and have an appraisal done. It may seem like a hassle, but when your Grandma’s hutch gets broken, you’ll be glad that you have an appraised value for the item before it was damaged. The claims department will be able to more easily settle your claim with this documentation.

You need to create your own inventory. Having an inventory that lists the correct details about belongings such as the electronic serial numbers, and brand and model of kitchen appliances, will make sure there is no question in your claim when that item is damaged. Another part of the inventory is the high value list; think antique furniture and other expensive and irreplaceable items. Having a high value list allows those items to be adequately covered if damage should occur.

Finally, be sure to take pictures of each room, your high value items, and take a video of your electronics and appliances working. This will also help provide proof during the claims process to show any damage that occurred during transit.

Beginning the Claims Process

Once you are on the other end of your move with your HHG delivered, you are now on a time clock for the claims process. From the date of delivery, you will have 75 days to initiate a claim with a loss/damage report and nine months to submit your claim after initiating it. Your transportation service provider (TSP) will have 60 days from the day you submit your claim for the TSP to pay, deny, or counter on your claim.

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Megan Harless:
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