How to Turn Your PCS into an *Affordable* Vacation

It’s the year we have all been waiting for! With many Covid restricts gone or very limited, everyone is looking for a way to travel and enjoy their time as they get ready for a PCS. A favorite practice of many families is to turn your PCS into a vacation or some kind of family fun adventure. You will not need to go too far off your designated travel path or shell out a lot of money to make it a fun time for everyone!  Turning your PCS into a vacation is a great option if you are not sure when you will be able to take leave, or know you are going into a high op tempo unit where family time may be limited.

Utilize Apps

When you know you already have a long road trip ahead of you, the thought of having to make a big detour for a vacation can be a motivation killer. Using an app like Roadtrippers allows you to see some attractions along your designated route. You can sort through attractions based on interests between places to eat or things to do. While these items may not seem like something that is swoon worthy to see, it can be a great stop for the kids to stretch their legs. Have a toddler who loves trains? You can find many train museums along your route. Are you a foodie at heart and want something that isn’t a fast-food chain? The Roadtrippers app can help you find a local mom-and-pop diner with amazing reviews!

Tourist Boards

Once you know the route you are traveling, map out the possible stopping points and then check their local tourist boards! Many have a “Visit This City” website where all of the happening events are happening. You may stumble across a local county fair, a parade, or some festival going on. You’ll also find information on local attractions and the must-see sites nearby. These are some great options for breaking up the long road trip without breaking the bank.

Think Outside the Box

Many times, when we think vacation, we think some expensive resort or amusement park with loads of credit card debt. This is the perfect time to think outside the box and to make it a different vacation.  If your road trip takes you past a national or state park with cabins to rent, consider staying there instead of the Holiday Inn in town. It’ll be a great time to disconnect and take a little hike. Does your route take you near a minor league baseball park or hockey arena – it’s the perfect time to relax and catch a game! Pit stopping near a river? Take the time to enjoy a little canoeing before hitting the road again.

Make a Plan

The most successful part of turning your PCS into a vacation is having some sort of plan. When mapping out your route for your PCS, decide what areas you want to drive though, and where it is worth stopping for some extra leisure time. Do not feel like you need to be on the road at the crack of dawn each morning, and take some time enjoying the are you are in. Along with planning your stop and tour points, also plan your budget too. There are many low cost or free options available out there. Maybe splurge on an event a time or two, but know that in an already expensive process of a PCS move, you do not need to go overboard with making the vacation as equally expensive.

Megan Harless:
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