REset: A Transformational Retreat for Your Business and Soul

Have you ever had a dream that lingered in your mind for so long, waiting for the perfect moment to become a reality? I know I have. For years I’ve dreamed of hosting a retreat for women business owners. An opportunity to gather, connect, and embrace the art of running a sustainable business with less burnout. Maybe it’s my own burnout that sparked this dream, maybe it’s my desire to travel, or maybe it’s my own desire to deepen relationships with other business owners–whatever the reason it’s been on my heart and on my mind for years. 

Like many military spouses, I fall victim to the mindset that now isn’t the right time. I mean I just went through COVID with a deployed spouse, a house fire, selling off my business, and my spouse retiring from the military, so yes, I guess you can say the last few years weren’t the best timing. Yet the dream and desire never went away so rather than putting it off for another year, I decided to jump right in and alongside my fellow military spouse, Laura Early, we are turning that dream into a tangible experience.

And why wouldn’t we go big. Sure it would be easy to do fun retreat hosted in the nearby Rocky Mountains yet where’s the adventure in that. Now don’t get me wrong, the Rockies have all sorts of adventure and I fully intend on hosting a mountain retreat next year full of all the glorious Colorado activities I love. No, for the retreat fondly named REset, we needed a  breathtaking destination and that is exactly what we’ll give attendees in Cancun, Mexico. 

REset is a transformational journey of growth, rest, and restorative community building where we hope you’ll leave rejuvenated and ready to take on the rest of the year.

Running a sustainable business while juggling the demands of military life can be challenging, and burnout can easily creep in–ask me how I know. That’s why we’ve designed this retreat to help women embrace running a sustainable business with less burnout. By taking time for themselves, connecting with like-minded professionals, and building a supportive community, they can find renewed energy and inspiration.

Each day of the retreat focuses on different aspects of thriving.

The first day is all about connection and the power of vulnerability.

We believe that sharing our stories and experiences creates bonds and allows us to learn from one another. Through open and honest conversations, we can find strength in our shared journeys.

The second day is dedicated to reflecting on our current positions in our personal and professional lives.

We’ll explore our intentions for the retreat and what we hope to take away from this transformative experience. It’s an opportunity to gain insights, set goals, and lay the groundwork for personal growth and development.

Of course, we’ll also take time to enjoy the wonders of Cancun. We have exciting excursions planned that allow participants to immerse themselves in the vibrant local culture and connect with nature. The beauty of this retreat is that it combines personal and professional growth with the joy of exploration and relaxation.

On the final day, we’ll focus on maintaining the connections and relationships formed during the retreat.

Online connections are wonderful, but there’s something truly special about meeting in person and solidifying those bonds. We want our participants to leave with a sense of rejuvenation and a network of supportive individuals who will continue to uplift and inspire them long after the retreat ends.

And as I alluded to, this is just the beginning, we’re already planning to host the same retreat next year along with another Colorado inspired retreat. 

If you’re interested in attending future retreats or simply want to stay connected with us, be sure to follow us on social media. We’ll share updates, valuable insights, and opportunities to connect with other like-minded professionals. The journey of running a sustainable business with less burnout is made easier when you have a supportive community by your side.

#MilitarySpouseRetreat #SustainableBusiness #Community #Thrive

Lindsey Litton: Lindsey Litton, the catalyst business coach, is a force to be reckoned with. With a track record of conquering both business challenges and formidable peaks, she knows how to beat the odds while racing against time. Lindsey's passion lies in helping people grow, scale, and automate their businesses, giving them the power to make a meaningful impact in their communities while gaining precious time for themselves. Through her transformative coaching, aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners can unleash their full potential, create thriving businesses, and become catalysts for change.
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