Motivation to Move: Meet SPC Elvin Kibet

SPC Elvin Kibet runs for the Army WCAP program in Colorado Springs, CO. She finished 1st place at the Army Ten Miler in D.C. October 13, 2019 with a time of 54:05.

Elvin won the 2019 Portland Festival and has a college best of 15:27 for the 5k.

This past October at about mile 5 to 6 of the Army Ten Miler in Washington, D.C. , I had reached the part of the course where it makes a sort of lollipop turn where you are able to see the leaders of the race pass by in the opposite direction toward the finish. As I was struggling at that point with the thought of giving up and giving into my exhaustion and the thought that I may not be able to finish at all, I glanced over and was able to see Elvin Kibet.

She was pushing the pace and leading the front pack of women down the other side of the road. What I found most interesting though as I watched in awe of her incredible speed and strength as she flew by, was her face. I could see that she was feeling it too. She was not immune to the heat, the pain in her legs or the temptation to give up. She had to push through her own struggles just as I was struggling through mine. It motivated me in a way. Although I would not finish in the top ten, or cross the line in anywhere close to the pace she would, I felt an encouragement. My spirit was lifted with the thought that in essence the race wasn’t truly just between the runners that ran to our left and right. I could see at that moment that the real race was within ourselves.

I have found that realization to be one of the greatest motivators when it comes to getting out the door or giving it all in a work out. It is so easy to simply not, to give less, or to give up. Motivation is so hard to find especially when the finish line seems so far out of reach.

The best and most fulfilling way to find that strength and spirit within yourself is when you realize the true battle and race is in you.

Running and working out is such a pure and fulfilling sport. The sweat, the pain, and the push feels so good because one is able to tap into their own potential and dig into their spirit giving everything they can to be the best that they can be.

When we begin to compare and contrast ourselves, we begin to lose that pureness. Instead of motivation, we may find defeat instead. We may find that we are looking at finish lines that are not our own. When setting fitness goals, it is important to recognize the most important goal, and that is the real purpose and reason that we are doing it all for in the first place. Holding on to that will ensure that every day we lace up or each time that sweat pours down our face, we will find the fulfillment we are looking for. It is in running our own race to see their potential to shine everyday.

We cannot be discouraged by the distance that lays between ourself and the goals we desire to reach, or be disheartened by the fact that others are passing us. We must be content where we are right now. It is in that place of now that makes the finish line not a desperate place to reach, but instead a mountain view we simply just enjoy the climb to see. It is in the joy that the motivation continues to manifest and propels us to the heights. The motivation to move comes from within and the best motivator is the realization that you are already enough and the finish line is not a finish line at all but just a view yet to be seen.

I was able to catch up with Elvin and ask her a few questions. Here is my Q&A with pro WCAP athlete SPC Elvin Kibet:

MS: When you started training for the first time, what were some of the struggles you encountered and how did you overcome them?

EK: There were many challenges I faced when I first started running. The biggest one I struggled with was that I never liked running. I mean to be honest, it just hurt the whole time and I wondered why do people even do it? Luckily I had my older sisters who were professional athletes by then and they encouraged me everyday. They talked about patience all the time and at that time I didn’t have that much patience, but with time I started feeling better on my runs and liking the routine. It took me many months to adjust. In short I think I became consistent in my training and it helped me to get in better shape thus feeling better. 

MS: How do you get motivated to get out of the door each morning when you are tired or just don’t feel like working out? 

EK: I have several of those days especially when it is snowing or I am too tired from previous workouts. What gets me out of the door is that I think about my goals. I always have daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. I try to push myself out of the door and tell myself if I don’t do it today then I wont have achieved my goals. However, sometimes I find an alternative, I could cross train or bike instead of running. I also try to change environments to make it interesting a bit for instance, I would go to a park and when I see other runners I also get motivated to run. I also find someone to run with and try to have fun while working out. 

MS: What do you enjoy most about running?

EK: I enjoy traveling and meeting new people and interacting with them. Runners speak the same language no matter where they come from in this world. I have learned so much from runners and I hope on my end to inspire as many people as I can especially young women and girls. We live in an era where we ‘women’ have opportunities to participate in sports, there were times this was not possible and so it’s a great time for women who love running to go out there and show the world what they can do and there wont be anyone to stop them. 

I enjoy running for the army right now because it’s an honor to travel around the world flying the red, white, and blue colors. It’s my way of giving back to this great country that has done great things for me and my family. 

MS: What would you say to someone who wants to workout but doesn’t enjoy it at all? 

EK: I would say to them to start small and build up slowly. Focus on yourself and your goals and don’t be intimidated or discouraged by others. Find a group or a partner who shares the same passion and have a plan together. If that’s not possible, try one of those you tube videos and follow along. Personally whenever I can’t find a partner to run with, I put on my headphones and listen to my favorite music or my favorite motivational speaker. You will be surprised by how much you can accomplish by having someone feed you with a ton of positive vibes and encouragement as you run or workout. It works for me every time. 

MS: Do you have any motivating quotes that inspire you?

EK: “The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.” -Les Brown.

Marybeth Chelanga:
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