
When it comes to decluttering your closet, it’s best to start with the foundation. This means starting at the bottom of the closet and working your way up.
If you’re tidying a closet that’s used for storage, such as linens, a pantry space, or a storage space, it’s tempting to try to pack everything you can into these spaces as tightly as possible. This, however, makes it a frustrating and time consuming task to reach these items. Instead, it’s best to organize your closet spaces for utility. This might mean having less on your shelves so that it’s easier to reach everything you need.
Steps toward a closet overhaul:
- Gather basic organizational supplies, including bins for trash, recycling, and donating.
- Take everything out of the closet.
- Clean, dust and vacuum the closet.
- Sort items into organizational piles.
- Decide whether you intend a new organizational plan or a simple declutter. This is a good time to develop a plan for ongoing organization. Knowing your plan like this will make it easier to implement moving forward.
- Replace items according to your plan, grouping similar items together and creating accessible places for items that you use or wear most often.
Thinning Down Your Wardrobe
Eventually, as you work your way through your closets, you will have to confront your wardrobe. As you sort through your clothes and shoes, there are a few questions you can ask yourself:
- Does it fit? Is it uncomfortable (itchy, scratchy, gives you blisters)?
- Do you still like it? Would you wear it?
- Is it torn, stained, ripped, or damaged?
- Have you worn it in the past year?
- Does it give off the image that you want to project?
It’s common to like an article of clothing, feel and look good in it, and still never wear it out because it doesn’t fit with your image. For the most part, there’s no reason to have these clothes unless you’re ready to change how you dress. Wardrobe clutter and disorganization can also make less likely that the clothes you do like and want to wear are readily accessible.
Separate your clothes into piles, such as keep, try on, and give away. You can also have a pile for seasonal clothing that goes into storage for much of the year. Decreasing your wardrobe most likely won’t make your clothing choices boring. Instead, having fewer items that you really enjoy will make it more likely that you invest in higher quality clothes that you really enjoy. Don’t forget to evaluate your seasonal clothing at the end of the season. This will keep you from storing items that you never intend to wear.