How to Write a Love Letter
Step 1 – Reminisce: Remind your significant other about the early stages of your relationship. Were there any awkward moments? Things you used to do together often? Special characteristics or quirks you noticed about them right away?
Step 2 – Pause: Pause to reflect on how far you’ve come and where you are at in your relationship now. How have you grown as a couple since you met? How have you grown separately? Why do you work together so well?
Step 3 – Compliment: Emphasize what you love about your partner’s character and/or appearance. Are they the kindest person you know? Are they extremely driven? Do they have great eyes?
Step 4 – Thank: Tell your significant other what they bring to your life. Remind them how much you appreciate the big and little things they do. Are there things that they do everyday that make your life easier? Ways they make you smile?
Step 5 – Fast-forward: Talk about your future together. Where do you see the relationship going? What are things that you want to do with your partner in the long-run? What are goals that you want to accomplish together?
Step 6 – Reaffirm: Reiterate how much you love your significant other.
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