“Where do I start?” This is a question that many military spouses have brought to me at the beginning of their journey to understanding the Bible.
For Christians, studying the Bible is something that is vital in the life of believers. The Bible contains truth, wisdom, and instruction. Ultimately, the Bible is God’s Word, His revelation of Himself to us. Being able to read, understand, and apply the contents of this book is not a skill that is easily or half-heartedly learned.
Fortunately, there are resources and tools available for those seeking His wisdom and understanding. Bible studies are one of these tools. They serve as an invitation to know and love The Lord by walking through His Word with someone else. Authors of these books love to come alongside believers as they learn to unpack God’s Word. Small groups of women can also gather together around the study of Scripture. Bible studies make God’s Word accessible for those looking to grow a deeper faith, one firmly rooted in God’s Word and His will.
As a military missionary, women’s ministry leader, and theology geek, there have many Bible studies over the last few years that have stood out to me. They are a cut above because they speak directly to the heart of women who are seeking to understand God’s Word. Even more so, there are a handful of these beautifully written books that minister specifically to the needs of the everyday military spouse.
Where do you start? You start by finding a Bible study that will help you grow your faith where you’re at. This might be a study through a particular book of the Bible (which is my kind of study), or it could be a study focused around a relevant topic- a specific place in your faith walk where you long for God to move.
Walking into a Christian bookstore can be overwhelming, to say the least. Spending countless hours sifting through digital shelves of big box book vendors can also be frustrating. So, in an effort to save some of your sanity and give you a bit of encouragement, I wanted to share with you my top 10 favorite Bible studies.
#10. Let. It. Go. by Karen Ehman

I grabbed this study on a whim because the cover of the book captivated me. The tagline read “How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith.” In a moment of conviction, I flipped the book over and read the back copy. “God Called. He’d Like His Job Back.” As a recovering (and many times, a regressing) control freak, I was intrigued. I snagged two copies and invited a neighbor to dive in with me. At 87 pages, this power packed and hilarious study is an easy read that compels us to lay down control and learn to trust God. Because we have to deal with so many changes and challenges, controlling tends to be a hard habit to break. Karen Ehman highlights the hardships of fighting for ultimate authority and presents the truth that frees us from wildly grasping for control.
#9. Knowing God by Name by Mary Kassian

There was a time that I knew very little about God. I knew that I believed in His existence, but I wasn’t certain of much else. This Bible study awakened the desire to know more about who God is. Mary Kassian unpacks all of the names of God in the original language, breathing life into the words with history, context, and cultural understanding. I used up an entire highlighter and covered every edge in notes and Scripture references. She says that, “All that we value in personal relationships-love and trust, time together, shared experiences, communication- are built around who a person is. A relationship without a name is no relationship at all. Learning a person’s name is the beginning of really knowing someone.” Sometimes, we barely remember our own names (even though we can rattle off our spouse’s social) and need a reminder of who God is. Mary Kassian shares God’s many names and invites us into the awe and wonder of their meaning.
#8 His Last Words by Kim Erickson

Kim Erickson takes women by the hand and walks them through the book of John, specifically through the last words of Jesus. After the tragic loss of Kim’s three-year-old son, she remembered everything they had discussed the night before he passed away. When Austin went to be with The Lord, Kim became a believer and saw Jesus’ last words as something more precious than before. As I completed this study, I was invited to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear his words, verse by verse. His Last Words brings God’s Word alive and brings us to an intimate place where we can truly encounter Jesus.
#7 Women of the Word by Jen Wilken

Jen Wilkin is easily one of my favorite authors. She is passionate about women really knowing God’s Word through proper interpretation and application. In Women of Word, Wilkin demystifies the fear surrounding Bible study and replaces it with simple instructions to better Bible study. She excavates the text, prompting women to dive deeper into the depths of the Bible. Jen Wilken encourages women to encounter God, not only with their hearts, but also with their minds. This book is a “must-have” for women seeking to glean a wider and deeper understanding of the Bible, as they will develop the skill of looking at the Scriptures more critically and confidently.
#6 Stronger by Angela Thomas Pharr

The tagline of this study speaks volumes to me. Stronger: Finding Hope in Fragile Places is something that we, as military spouses, need to learn on a regular basis. Don’t we often find ourselves in these “fragile places?” Even more often, don’t we find ourselves under pressure to be brave and strong in face of hard challenges presented by this active duty lifestyle. Pharr says this “God is greater than every struggle you will ever face. Every. Single. One. Today, because of Christ, you can live stronger.” I have covered every single empty space in my copy of this book with prayers, Scripture references, and felt hope. Her sweet voice of encouragement calls us to answer God, as He is with us through it all.
#5 I Am Found by Laura Dingman

I have found that women buy into one of two lies. The first lie is “I am not enough.” The second is “I am way too much.” These lies, though very different, attack the core of who a woman is. As Christian women, we proclaim that our identity rests in neither of these falsehoods. In I Am Found, Laura Dingman helps women see their stories through a fundamental and foundational understanding of Christ’s identity. His identity is where our freedom is found and our shame is destroyed. Laura exhorts women to lay down their shields of perfection and longing to strive in order to worship God for who He is and what He has done. Her outcry for women to abandon their guilt and regret continues to push me forward in pursuit of The One who has extinguished my own shame. Dingman does a phenomenal job of pointing to Christ as women seek to find him.
#4 Not Alone by the IF: Equip

I love IF: Gathering and their vision to disciple a generation. I believe that the gospel travels relationally and that Christian friendships have a role to play in The Great Commission. In this six-week study, the theology behind friendship is explored and unpacked. What does God say about friendships? What should they look like, in terms of boundaries and forgiveness? How do we live out our beliefs in our relationships, and ultimately, give God glory through them? Not Alone seeks to equip women with the right tools and truths to build relationships that glorify God. I walked through this study with a handful of friends and neighbors. We shared our past experiences and encouraged one another, all centered around the truth and love of God’s Word. This study is a fantastic resource to utilize in bringing women together.
#3 This is the Gospel by She Reads Truth

The She Reads Truth organization began as a community of women committed to reading God’s Word every day. Through their dedication to encouraging and exhorting women to engage with the Scriptures, they have created unique resources that unpack books of the Bible, relevant topics, and studies around events in the church calendar. This is the Gospel is, hands down, one of the greatest resources in learning, studying, and applying the gospel. This book clearly presents the story of the gospel throughout the entirety of Scripture. There are daily reading plans, highlighted verses, and theologically rich truths. I always have a copy of this study handy to share the sweet story of God’s redemption.
#2 The Unexplainable Series by Erica Wiggenhorn

I can’t say enough about Erica Wiggenhorn. She is not only a theological titan, but she writes in a way that makes me feel like I’m reading the Bible with my best friend. I found her books in a season where I was desperate to hear from The Lord and I was craving to understand. The Bible was the scariest book in the world to me and I truly believed that I couldn’t understand it. Erica’s books, The Unexplainable Life, The Unexplainable Church, and Unexplainable Jesus, cover the books of Acts and Luke. They broke down the door of my fears and insecurities. Her books discipled me and invited me to be confident in my ability to understand any part of passage of the Bible.
#1 Seamless by Angie Smith

This Bible study is an absolute game changer. In the last 5 years, I have taught this study for more than 10 different groups, across three different states, and for women in all seasons of life. I have purchased hundreds of copies and I always keep a handful to give to new neighbors or friends. Seamless could be, by far, one of the most impactful books of our generation because it explores and unpacks the entire Bible. Whether someone is a new believer or a seasoned Christian, this book has much to offer. From spending time in the Old Testament to connecting ties and truths into the New Testament, Angie’s heart for Christians to know the Word of The Lord is evident. After completing this 7-week study, I was able to lace together the stories that I heard as a child together with the richness of the teachings of Jesus. I knew where the pieces fit and what that meant for me. This Bible study was certainly one of the most prolific books in my own walk with God and I know it will be for you too.
Megan Brown is a seasoned military spouse and military missionary. She is the Military Liaison for the Speak Up Conference Global Missions Military Scholarship and the 2019-Armed Forces Insurance Robins AFB Military Spouse of the Year. She is passionate about military mission work, teaching and preaching about Jesus in and out of the local church. She lives in middle Georgia with her husband, Keith, and their energetic kiddos. She is a Bible teacher, speaker, and freelance writer. To learn more or connect with Megan, visit www.meganbbrown.com