You’ve got mail! The next morning I woke up to an email from my next-doorneighbor. She told me that she loved the watermelon, that it was a clever idea and that she should have been the one to welcome me to the neighborhood. She went on tell me about herself, her family and that she was so excited to meet me. The next day, her entire family brought over a welcome basket filled with native Dayton, Ohio, goodies. It was so generous and thoughtful; I was a little teary-eyed.
You’ve got mail, again! The next email was from the neighbor across the street. She proceeded to tell me they are retired military and understand how hard it is to meet new people when you move around so much. She appreciated the “fresh” approach. She told me all about her amazing family, neighborhood BBQs and pool parties. She closed by saying she couldn’t wait to me in person.
You’ve got mail, again and again and again!! To my delight, everyone whom I dropped off a watermelon with emailed to welcome us. I found a babysitter and had an intro to a few new kids so my children didn’t have ride the bus to school with strangers. A retired military couple down the street invited me to a Labor Day pool party at their house. I was instantly added to the neighborhood/street Facebook group. Who knew they had one!? And I was even invited to fill in for someone in the neighborhood Bunco group. I met a dozen more people who lived behind me, next to me and across from me! It was wonderful. I felt like the belle of Basset Court.