If you want to do more for the community, DO IT. Never let ANYONE tell you “you’re doing it wrong,” “It’s been done,” “Do it better” or, “If it were me.” Every time you build your ideas, remember they are only a person standing in front of you that is blocking you from getting to the person standing right behind them that desperately needs you.
Walk around and keep moving. You can’t be a positive change if you let anyone in any way slow you down. As I like to say, no one can argue with anyone that always puts their money where their mouth is. Many people thought my organization would not succeed, much less be where it is today, and here we are! They tried to break me but you guys needed me more than I needed their opinions.
I would like to also touch on networking. Don’t keep someone around because you believe they can get you somewhere you can’t get yourself. If they made the contact, why can’t you? You also run the risk of ruining your own relationship with someone YOU could have a better relationship with.
Don’t put too much faith in people’s opinions of themselves when it comes to people around them. You got this; call them yourself and see what happens. Worst they can say is “no,” right? It’s better than never having a door open at all or relying on someone else to introduce you on their behalf. I built my network by Google and I don’t rely on anyone to “pass me a contact” to get anything done. It’s a waste of time since I can Google straight to the top.
Lastly, be good to your network and keep it old school. Send thank you notes, bottles of wine if you should ever need them and then here’s the secret. Ready? Work three times as hard for them just to take care of them, not just because you want to use them later. Maybe you may need their advice on something, maybe not, but never just take from people. Ever.
The moral of this article is to center yourself and remember who you are at all times and have faith in yourself and your journey. There are no accidents in life. We all have a journey and don’t be afraid to go where your heart takes you. Take care of each other and help where you can, whether it’s a hug, an open ear or just putting someone’s grocery cart away.
Do not pay attention to social media as a guide to compare your life, but as a connecting tool for friends that might be far away. Yes it gets lonely at times and it is not easy, but what in life is? The great news is we have each other. Here’s to an amazing 2017 and chasing our dreams!
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