4 Fun (AND Challenging!) Workout Moves To Do With Your Spouse

I’m going to be real with you – as a busy milspouse and mom with a million commitments and too little coffee, most days I am less than motivated to work out.

When I workout alone, I usually start off strong, then drop off after a few weeks because I have zero accountability. Needless to say, a lack of motivation AND working out alone make things difficult when it comes to getting fit.

This time, however, I am determined to try to get active – and stay that way. And I don’t plan to do it alone! In fact, I want to include my husband in my journey. I asked my friend, Molly Moran, a certified personal trainer and fellow Air Force spouse with her own business, Molly Logic, for some great beginner-friendly workouts to do with my husband as my partner. Here are some moves she suggested to keep us both fit AND have fun at the same time!

1: High-Five Planks

While you and your partner face each other, get into the plank position. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders and rest your forearms on the ground. With your feet hip-width apart, lift up onto your toes and forearms. Make sure to squeeze in your core and glutes as you hold this position. You and your partner can give high fives with alternate arms as you hold your plank. Try to hold your plank for at least 60 seconds!

VARIATIONS: For more advanced versions of this workout, you can pull yourself up with the palms of your hands and alternate giving high fives. Or, you can position yourselves in an X position – position yourselves in a criss-cross position, one on top of the other, and give each other taps with alternating arms.

2: Partner Sit-Ups

For this exercise, you and your partner should lay down flat on your backs, feet facing each other. Then, pull your knees up and scoot closer to each other so that your toes touch. Cross your arms over your chest and inhale as you pull yourself all the way up to where your chest touches your knees, and exhale, making sure to slowly lower yourself down. Try to see who can so the most sit-ups!

VARIATIONS: For a more advanced version of this workout, you and your partner should bend your knees above your bodies at a 90-degree angle and do crunches. With the soles of your feet touching, cross your arms over your chest, and inhale as you contract your ab muscles, lifting your neck and shoulders off the ground. Exhale as you slowly lower your head and neck back onto the ground, and repeat!

3: In-Lap Wall Sits

This exercise requires partners to rotate with each other. The first persin will make sure their back is flat against the wall and their feet are placed firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Then, slide down the wall into a ‘sitting’ position, keeping your core tight and your back straight. Once you are confident in your position, have your partner sit in your lap (have them try not to put ALL of their weight down at first!) for some extra weight. Hold this position for 60 seconds!

VARIATIONS: For an easier version of this move, have your partner ‘sit’ alongside you and pass a weight back and forth.

4: Squat Toss

Each person should start out with their feet planted firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Hold a weight downward, and sit backward, moving your bottom out from your body, while keeping your chest straight. Then come back up slowly, feeling the weight in your glutes. Each time you and your partner squat down, toss the weight back and forth so that each of you alternates who lifts it up.

VARIATIONS: Once you get comfortable with this exercise, use heavier weights to toss back and forth. You can also perform “pistol” squats –facing your partner, lift your left leg up as you come down into a squat, then repeat on the other side while holding your partner’s hand.

Jillian Johnson: Jillian is a proud Air Force spouse, Slytherin, and all-around creative soul. She's a California girl adjusting to Southern life with her husband, three kids, and three fur children. She's currently pursuing a degree in Psychology with a focus in child and adolescent development, and is an active volunteer within the Robins AFB community. In her spare time, Jillian enjoys reading, music, gaming, and crafting. Be on the lookout for her blog, "Milspouse, Mom, Geek" - launching in Fall 2020!
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