Your Milspouse 3-Step Fitness Challenge

Are you feeling lazy? Do you feel like you are lacking energy, motivation, & drive? If so, rest just may be the last thing you need. With all of the emotional drain and situational strains of milspouse life, it can be easy to forget about YOU! It is easy and relatable to feel like it is just hard to keep it all together. The best way to provide some rest to yourself though, may be surprising. Elizabeth Elliot said in one of her books something like this:

More often than not, when we are feeling like we need rest, we actually need a rest for our spirit, not our bodies.

How true this is. You would be shocked to see how much energy and strength you really have. You may be sitting on the couch overcome with fatigue, but if you could only find it in you to tie up those laces and get out the door, you will see you could put out 30 minutes of hard effort. Those 30 minutes of hard effort may be the most refreshed you feel all day!

1: Believe in Yourself

One of the biggest obstacles to getting fit and healthy is found not in the miles, time on the treadmill, or workouts completed, it is found within yourself. Your healthy and fit lifestyle starts and ends with a positive mindset. You must know deep down the truth that you ROCK and you CAN reach your goals! That is a fact. You must hold on to those positive thoughts about yourself.

2. Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

You can’t reach a new height without first climbing. If you have a goal you want to reach, whether it be a running goal, fitness goal or just a goal to be healthier and happier you must first realize that to get there will not be all peaches and cream. You must find the value in digging deep and appreciate those days you sweat and feel uncomfortable. Recognize it is in those moments of difficulties that will bring about change and bring you closer to new heights.

3.  Take One Step at a Time

When you have a big goal it can feel overwhelming when you think of how far you have to go. You are more than capable of reaching your goal. The key to success is to take one step at a time. Think of each day as a new small goal to reach. Focus on that one workout, that one challenge you set for yourself. Overtime you will find yourself getting closer and closer to your goals!

Challenge yourself to dedicate 30 minutes every day to your health and fitness. Whether you start out walking, jogging, or even running, putting out a good effort for 30 minutes can change your entire lookout on the day! *If you are looking for an online fitness coach check out

Marybeth Chelanga:
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