2. Embrace You
In the past, I’ve definitely been guilty of letting my self-consciousness affect my ability to fully enjoy beach outings or pool parties.
These days, I care more about making memories than whether or not I look perfect in my swimsuit.
We are all perfectly imperfect and life is too short not to embrace the beautiful, unique body you have, rather than worrying about what others think.. or worrying that you don’t have the perfect “beach body”.
1. Fake it ’til you make it
We all have days, (or certain times of the month…), where we may feel a little less confident or more self-conscious- and that’s ok!
It’s perfectly normal, but DON’T let those days get you down or hold you back.
My number one tip for looking sexy on the beach this summer is to look in the mirror, even on your less confident days, and tell yourself that you are sexy, beautiful and perfect the way you are.
The magic thing about faking confidence is that it actually can make you feel more confident.
So this summer, even on your less assured days, put on a big smile, stand up straight, throw your shoulders back and get out there to frolic in the sunshine.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and you are perfect, just the way you are.