2015 Branch Level Spouses of the Year

Your 2015 Branch Spouses of the Year!

We started out with nominations submitted on behalf of thousands of military spouses just a month ago. After two rounds of public voting and a careful review from our MSOY Panel and Advisory Board, the military spouse community has elected a representative from each branch of the military. Of the 1.1 million spouses, these six have been chosen as the 2015 Armed Forces Insurance Branch Spouses of the Year!

Be sure to Vote on March 4th for the overall Military Spouse of the Year!


Click Through to See the Winners

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Kariah Manwaring: As Kariah pursues her passion to serve others and give back to those who have given so much, she leads the Digital Marketing production for Military Spouse and works behind the scenes to make it all come together. She was drawn to this organization by the inspiring and brilliant individuals involved and has thoroughly enjoyed helping to further the mission and engage with the vibrant military community. Kariah is truly inspired by the spouses the program recognizes. She looks forward to encouraging the military community to be influential in their own communities.
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