Kristen Christy
I heard a saying a few years ago, which resonated with me. Life is a tough teacher; we take the test first and THEN learn the lesson. We cannot necessarily be there to help others through the pop quiz, but we can help tutor through the lesson. Suicide prevention is something I have been working on as an aspect of an overarching issue of helping people overcome obstacles in their teaching/lesson moment. Let us use our resiliency and lessons learned to help others transition from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) to PTG (Post-Traumatic Grow). My family has experience the anguish of a suicide and the lasting effects. If I could go back in time, well I’ll just say hindsight is 20/20. After 10 years, we are ready to share our story. Let our 20/20 hindsight be others 20/15 foresight.
Read more about Kristen here!