★2018 AFI Branch Military Spouses of the Year★

Congratulations to the
2018 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year branch winners

Here are the amazing military spouses who have been selected
to represent the branches as the 2018 Armed Forces Insurance Branch Military Spouses of the Year.

Army | Navy | Air Force | Marine Corps | Coast Guard | National Guard

THE NATIONAL VOTE to determine the overall
Military Spouse of the Year is MARCH 2.
Come back and VOTE for one of these 6 incredible military spouses!

All of these spouses will be honored at the USO-Metro Gala in Washington, D.C. on May 10.


Krista Simpson Anderson

Fort Lewis 

I am the spouse of an active duty Special Forces soldier as well as the Gold Star Spouse of SSG Michael H. Simpson KIA 1 May 2013 AFG. One day I was a military spouse. The next I was a military widow. I want other military spouses to see through my journey that we all have the strength to get through anything. I want to bring awareness to who we are as military spouses and what we do for our nation through our families. I want to be a light for those who may be sitting in the darkness. I want people to be able to ask my the hard questions because my answers will be honest and true. I want to show others that military spouse are fierce and graceful. I want to empower not only military spouse but all women. I want to prove that following your husband doesn’t mean your weak and highlight the selfless service we provide daily.

Read more about Krista here!

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