Embrace The Suck
Military spouses have been using the term “Embrace The Suck” for years!
We’ve embraced many hardships. I’ve sacrificed plenty over the years. I know I personally gave up my career to support my husbands – without regret. My occupation is not portable, so I’ll have to start over – someday, when I stop moving every two years.
My youngest is five years old and she’s already lived in four states. I’ve said goodbye to family, knowing we’ll never live in the same state again. Because aren’t all grandparents meant for Skyping and not sleepovers? My children are forced to change schools every two years, expected to make new friends and adapt to imbalances in education from state to state.
My husband’s office is an intricate part of the national defense of our country. So, that means T-ball games are missed, so are school plays, recitals, activities, help with home work, bed time routines and of course, family vacations. Not to mention, let’s send you off to a war zone for an unknown amount of time, too. My husband has spent 20 years in the United States military. It’s not your typical day job.
And, quite frankly, I think I have it pretty good. I know other military families out there have it a lot worse. I’ve embraced my suck, we all do.
So, when I hear the Minority Leader of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (D), spout out in a news conference, we have to “embrace the suck”, I want to scream!
How about trying out a new slogan “Embrace Your Promise.”
As for Congressman Paul Ryan (R) who defended his plan and the cuts today by saying, “We think it is only fair that hardworking taxpayers, who pay for the benefits that our federal employees receive, be treated fairly as well,”
I think you have a loose definition of the meaning of fair. Stop letting back door deals take center stage on CSPAN and have an open discussion about cutting military retirement pay. How about a little notice next time? Better yet, how about using the committee you created to study pay instead of using it as a store front for your real motives.