Photo Friday: October 2013

Welcome to Photo Friday! Military life is so unique… we are always on the lookout for pictures that reflect our diverse community.  We invite you to share your best pictures with us!  Each Friday we will have a different theme, so be on the lookout for our post and search through your photo memories to see if you have anything to add!  Photos can be submitted on our resources page or by Instagram!

Make sure you follow us (@militaryspousemag) and hashtag #militaryspouse #photofriday


Names are withheld for privacy. If you are a photographer be sure to watermark your image.


Proceed to the next page for the most recent gallery!


October 18th, 2013

Military Spouse Team: Military Spouse is the premiere milspouse network and central hub for helpful resources and connections. Find information and advice on deployment, PCSing, relationships, benefits, military families and more! We are here to help simplify your crazy wonderful military life!
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