Fort Hood Military Spouse is Running for President in 2020


With the presidential election just one year away, there are a range of candidates to choose from. There’s one candidate closer to home who’s also throwing her name in the hat.

Anastasia Halcomb is a mother of six, a business owner and a Ft. Hood military spouse living in Harker Heights. She said God put it on her heart to run for office so she can end the division and continue her mission of spreading love and bringing people together.

“We have republicans and democrats those are the largest party lines right now, but they’re enemies. They hate each other,” Halcomb said. We’re family. We’re Americans, and that is not the America I want my children growing up in.”

Anastasia said her friends and family have been supportive. 

She’s running as an independent with a focus on military, education and adoption issues.

 “All of our soldiers that come home from the war need mental health and physical health where they’re actually being taken care of and supported,” Halcomb said. “They have fought for our country, and a lot of them have made the ultimate sacrifice. I think there needs to be a lot of attention put on that.”

Anastasia said she’s got some more fundraising to do and hopes to get her name out there even more. 

It will take thousands of signatures, filing in multiple states and more to get her name on the ballot, which she’s determined to do.

In the meantime she hopes her story will inspire others to follow their dreams, no matter how big they are.  

“I think about going back to that little girl or boy inside of us that said, ‘When I grow up, I want to do this.’ That little girl inside of me said, ‘When I grow up, I want people to know that they’re loved, and I wanted to help people,'” Halcomb said. “I believe that doing this is what I’ve been called to do.”

More information about Anastasia’s platform is available on her website

If you know of someone Emani should spotlight in the future email her at epayne@kcen 

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