Military Families Vote Together

Thanks to You, Married Military Members Vote at Higher Rates than Singles


Being a military spouse comes with a lot of responsibility. You’re the glue that holds your military family together in the event of a PCS or deployment. You make new, unfamiliar places and situations feel like home for your family and yourself.

As a military spouse, you also make the difference and set an example when it comes to voting.

The last election year in 2016 saw a number of military spouses just like you casting a ballot. Over 80 percent of military spouses voted that year, which is higher than the U.S. national average. This shows your dedication, since a number of spouses who voted were active duty and living away from their voting residence.

1st Sgt. Jairo Fredonis, weapons company first sergeant, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, embraces his wife, Monique Fredonis, during a homecoming at Del Valle Field, March 22. The homecoming welcomed Marines and sailors with 3/7, after a seven-month deployment to Afghanistan.

But, while regular PCS moves, packing boxes and filling out paperwork can prove to be a bit of a chore, voting absentee in the 2018 election doesn’t have to be.

Thanks to the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), requesting, filling out, and returning absentee ballots is one the easiest boxes to check on your PCS to-do list.


Lots of military spouses just like you are making sure their loved ones can vote. In fact, Service members who are married tend to vote at higher rates than singles, according to FVAP.

As with other family business, spouses can be the best influencers — you always want what’s best for your family and are willing to put in the work, which is especially true when it comes to voting absentee.

Service members who are married and living overseas depend on friends and family for information about voting, and we’re pretty sure that critical info is coming from you!

That means you serve on the frontlines of voting assistance for your active duty family members, and FVAP is here to help equip you for the job.


From the gym at Camp Darby to the exchange at Camp Humphreys — it doesn’t matter where you are. As a military spouse, you and your loved ones can vote absentee from anywhere on the map, and the Federal Voting Assistance Program has the tools and resources to help you do it.
Military spouses and their families can visit to register to vote and request an absentee ballot for the 2018 midterm election.

Family readiness officers and voting assistance officers at installations are also available to help.

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