Novorésumé Offers 1 Month Free Premium Resume Help in April!

In times like these, we need to work together and do whatever we can to help bring the world back on track. Get Free Premium

Right now, millions of people around the world are affected either directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 virus.

Governments across the world are currently struggling to reduce the spread of the virus to a level where local health systems stand a chance. Still, thousands upon thousands will inevitably lose their jobs due to the lockdown.

Giving back to the community is one of our core values at Novorésumé, and in this challenging situation, we want to contribute with what we do best; help people find a job. The coming months will be harder than usual for jobseekers, and they need all the support they can get. Therefore we have decided that:

1 Month Premium will be FREE for all existing and new users. Offer expires on the 10th of April.

With Premium you have access to our full range of templates, including cover letters and up to 3-page resumes. You can also customize your layout and create multiple versions of your resume.

No strings attached. No credit card needed. Get Free Premium

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