8 Starbucks Secret Menu Pumpkin Spice Drinks You Need to Order

Starbucks Secret Menu Pumpkin Spice DrinksStarbucks Secret Menu Pumpkin Spice Drinks

Popsugar has brought us probably the most important information we need to know this Fall. And that is an inside look at the 8 Starbucks Secret Pumpkin Spice Drinks to order.


We even have exactly what you need to say to your barista to really be your most basic self. ?

1. Salted Carmel Pumpkin Frappuccino

Ask for: A Grande Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino Blended Beverage with toffee nut syrup (two pumps), topped with whipped cream, caramel drizzle, and Sea Salt Topping.


2. Pumpkin Spice Macchiato with Caramel Drizzle

Ask for: A Grande Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice with three pumps of Pumpkin Spice Sauce and a splash of two percent milk.

3. Pumpkin Spice Doubleshot on Ice

Ask for: A Grande Starbucks Doubleshot on Ice with three pumps of Pumpkin Spice Sauce and a splash of two percent milk.


4. Pumpkin Chai

Ask for: A Grande Chai Latte finished with whipped cream, Pumpkin Spice Topping, and Sea Salt Topping.

5. Pumpkin Spice Java Chip Frappuccino

Ask for: A Grande Java Chip Frappuccino Blended Coffee with Pumpkin Spice Sauce.


6. Fall Iced Tea

Ask for: A Grande Teavana Shaken Iced Black Tea with coconut milk in place of water, two pumps of Pumpkin Spice Sauce, two pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup, and one dried orange slice.

7. Caramel Apple Pumpkin Spice

Ask for: A Grande Caramel Apple Spice with two pumps of Pumpkin Spice Sauce.


8. Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate

Ask for: A Grande Hot Chocolate with two pumps of Pumpkin Spice Sauce.

Happy caffeinating! 

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