Good day, friends. It’s that time again, and by “that time” I mean time for me to make a public spectacle of myself by moseying up and down the aisles of my local Trader Joe’s with an iPhone, taking pictures of all the delicious things I see. And boy howdy, was it worth it on this day, because Trader Joe’s holiday desserts for 2018 have started trickling onto shelves, and so far look like they’re going to make for one of the chain’s most delicious seasons yet.
I’ll put the same caveat in this post that I did on my roundup of Trader Joe’s pumpkin products earlier in the year — this is by no means an exhaustive list of what Trader Joe’s will offer holiday-wise, both because it’s still pretty early in the season, and also because I am too scared of my fellow New Yorkers to linger in the aisle of a Trader Joe’s long enough to notice all of the new things on display. That being said, I did manage to get some pics of a few tantalizing offerings that have already hit shelves — so far it skews more towards cookies and chocolate, but odds are the baked goods section will be seeing old favorites soon, too.
Lebkuchen Cookies
Emma Lord/Bustle
Trader Joe’s now has these puppies in chocolate-covered and original form; the Lebkuchen Cookies, a soft gingerbread cookies, are a traditional holiday cookie in Germany. You can find these above the freezer/refrigerated aisle.
Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Cremes
Emma Lord/Bustle
Imagine Junior Mints, but larger, more grown-up, and covered in crushed candy cane, and you have these luscious Peppermint Cremes. Crush some in your ice cream if you want the realest pro-tip you’ll ever get.
Dark Chocolate Covered Peppermint Joe-Joe’s
Emma Lord/Bustle
Honestly, it’s cute that any cookie even tries to stay relevant during the holiday season when these majestic beasts exist; although Oreo can try to play the game with its new Peppermint Bark Oreos this year, we all know that the OG came from Joe. Thankfully, it seems to be making a triumphant return to shelves.
Multi-Flavor Joe-Joe’s
Emma Lord/Bustle
The words “chocolate enrobed” just lit an extremely specific fire in my soul that only these four cookies have the ability to put out.
Advent Calendars
Emma Lord/Bustle