So last year, the DoD instituted the six-16-cutoff rule, which said that servicemembers must have at least six years of service under their boots to be able to transfer their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.
They also must be able to commit to another 4 years of service.
Now, if you have over 16 years of service and want to transfer the benefits to your dependents, you have to do that BEFORE July 12th, 2019.
There are a couple of stipulations, aside from the looming deadline. For example, if you’re currently going through a medical evaluation, you are not allowed to transfer your benefits until you are found fit for duty. said that since 2009, 1 million servicemembers have transferred their GI Bill benefits.
“To transfer their GI Bill, Soldiers have to go into milConnect website, login with their common access card, then select the tab there that talks about the transfer education benefits…”
Master Sgt. Gerardo T. Godinez, senior Army retention operations NCO with Army G-1
Make sure to be informed to you don’t miss out on the best benefits for your family!
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