10 Romantic Military Photos You Will Love

Picture taken by Peter Kapasakis, James River Photography

Call me cheesy, but I love this time of year. (and we love military life photos!) The sea of pink candies in the grocery store, the abundance of romantic movies on television, the hint of spring to come in the air. All of it combines to make my heart feel a little more of a flutter than normal. We often focus on the trials and tribulations of this life as a military spouse that we’ve embarked on but we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the tremendous amount of love we have for our soldiers and anything that serves as a reminder of that love fills my heart with joy. So in honor of a month known for romance and for those of you who appreciate or maybe just need a little extra reminder of the special love in your life, here are some romantic military photos you’re sure to love.

1. Military love plus swoonworthy sunsets

2. Is there anything more romantic than a soldier and his love for his baby?

3. This vintage photo makes my heart burst for these soldiers and their lovers

4. Love this happy couple

5. I adore this classic and romantic photo

6. You can’t help but smile at this happy couple’s joy

7. Love for our soldiers comes in all shapes, sizes and furs

8. A beautiful classic photo

9. You can’t help but adore this photo of a soldier’s romantic promise to his love

10. No romantic compilation of photos would be complete without this famous kiss photo

Read more: 13 Photos of What Not to Wear to a Wedding

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Ashley Frisch: Ashley is a California girl, born and raised in San Diego, California. She is a Paralegal by day and pursues her passion for writing by night. She also spends at least one weekend a month volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, a cause she strongly believes in. She married her husband, who is active duty Navy, after dating for 7 years in 2014. They currently reside in California with their extremely spoiled and extremely sweet golden retriever. Ashley first started reading Military Spouse after her marriage to her husband because she didn’t have any military spouse friends and was looking for more information on the military lifestyle. She has since started writing for military spouse and says she loves the sense of community and friendship she feels Military Spouse Magazine brings to both herself and other spouses.
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