Top 10 Legit Date Night Ideas for 2017

It’s a new year and a new you, and I bet you’re excited to get cracking on all those New Year’s Resolutions you’ve set or dive into your plans for 2017.  If you’re anything like me you’ve likely got a list a mile long of all the things you want to accomplish or do this new year, but I want to remind you not to forget the most important thing to do this year, to have fun!

2017 is a brand spankin’ new year to fill with having fun with your spouse and making new memories, and there’s no time like the present to get out there and indulge in some time together. If you need some inspiration on ways to make this year memorable for the two of you, here are some date night ideas for the new year:

1. Go for a road trip


Chances are you are probably living somewhere that is still vaguely unfamiliar to you, so why not take this year to explore with your spouse! Pick a destination on the map that’s not too far away from you and take off on a road trip for the day.

2. Take a cooking class

Instead of going out to dinner together switch it up by learning something new together while getting to try some delicious food in the process!

3. Get a couple’s massage.

Image result for couple's massage gifImage result for couple's massage gif

Because you both deserve to spend some time relaxing and treating yourself together.

4. Get a new board game.

Sometimes all it takes is a little competition to heat things up. Buy a new board game and spend a cozy night in getting competitive with your spouse.

5. Take a dance class.


Do you have a New Year’s Resolution to try something new this year? Why not make your resolution do double duty by trying a dance class with your spouse. Bonus, you’ll be able to wow all your friends by showing off your fancy new moves in the future.

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Ashley Frisch: Ashley is a California girl, born and raised in San Diego, California. She is a Paralegal by day and pursues her passion for writing by night. She also spends at least one weekend a month volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, a cause she strongly believes in. She married her husband, who is active duty Navy, after dating for 7 years in 2014. They currently reside in California with their extremely spoiled and extremely sweet golden retriever. Ashley first started reading Military Spouse after her marriage to her husband because she didn’t have any military spouse friends and was looking for more information on the military lifestyle. She has since started writing for military spouse and says she loves the sense of community and friendship she feels Military Spouse Magazine brings to both herself and other spouses.
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