You’d be amazed at the role coffee plays in my marriage. I’ve always considered myself a morning person. However, since I’ve been living alone for the past three years I didn’t have to see anyone in the morning for at least an hour after I was awake. Now that my husband is here I’ve realized that he is a morning person and I am pretty much a Gilmore. I need at least one giant gulp of coffee before I become a human. The first few days he was here he managed to say more words to me in the first 10 minutes I was awake than I usually said in the first two hours; because again, I was use to being alone all morning. Once he realized that I’m not quite so perky before the caffeine hits my blood stream our mornings began running much more smoothly. It might seem silly, but him getting up and making sure I have coffee as I leave for work every morning has made me fall just a bit more in love with him than I already was.
I will say, through all the chaos there has been one thing that has really gotten better…S. E. X. Let’s face it, when you live 502 miles away from your spouse and you only see each other every six weeks or so your sex life leaves something to be desired. Sure, we played catch up when we got to visit each other but remember that math I talked about before? 145 days spent together in 1330 days? We could only catch up so much in that little bit of time. Before I embarrass my husband (or my dad) I won’t gush too much about how great it is to be able to grab his hiney just because he’s walking past me in the hall. Or brag about how much I love being able to cuddle on the couch while we watch Dancing With The Stars together, making out during commercials.
All jokes aside, living with my husband has given me a newfound appreciation for him and for our marriage. I’ve heard plenty of people say they would never live the geo-bachelor life. They would never separate their family that way. I can tell you from experience, never say never. You don’t know what the military is going to throw at you. Unaccompanied orders. Dual military assignments. Kids that need to be factored into family decision.
These things happen. I was not exactly thrilled when I found out it we were being stationed apart. But now that it’s over I am weirdly thankful for the time we spent apart. I appreciate the time we now get together so much more. And it puts things into perspective when I start to stress open cabinet doors again. Cause you know, I think I’ll take open cabinet doors over not having my husband around.