If God made you a mother and put additional dreams in your heart, then why not go after them? If you can’t shake an idea or a vision, then why not fearlessly pursue it? Allow God to fulfill those desires, which He created.
Pursuing your dream doesn’t mean that your family isn’t priority, and it doesn’t make you any less of a mom. Pursuing the dream means modeling to your munchkins the dignity of going after a goal. It means being brave and obedient to the stir inside of you. It means contributing to the world the things you do well. (That alone is a beautiful gift to your children).
And while you chase the dream, include your little loves on the journey. In many ways, our children can be a true catalyst in realizing our calling. So if it’s starting a business, encourage them to contribute in their own small way. If it’s travel, take them with you! Get that degree, sell that product, write that book, go those places.
It doesn’t have to happen all at once, in fact, it rarely ever does. If it’s 10 years from now, then it’s 10 years from now. Embrace every season while you’re in it, but don’t be afraid to take your own baby steps, while helping your small fry with theirs.
Moms everywhere of all ages and stages — your dreams are still valid. They’re not something you have to leave behind whenever you start a family. Are there sacrifices to be made in raising children? Absolutely. Are they worth it? Unquestionably. (I mean, Wow, wow, WOW… There is nothing better in the world than becoming a parent)!
But does the demand of motherhood also demand that we surrender our dreams? No. Way.
Let me be clear — it is an utter privilege to serve my daughter. Young ones are worth every sacrifice. Give your life for your children every day, and do it joyfully; but if God has asked you to do something in the midst of your mothering, then give yourself permission to do it.
Without a doubt, motherhood is a high calling, but remember that it doesn’t have to be your only calling. You can embrace the mission God has given you as a mom, without forfeiting your ambitions to do it. You can support your child’s dreams, and your husband’s dreams, without forgoing your own in the process.
Dear mother who once dreamed—
Pursue the dream. In order to best give your life to others, you must first have life to give. Run hard after whatever’s in your heart to achieve, and do it with joy flowing from your bones!
Dream big. Start small. But most of all…start.